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Press Release
Montgomery, Alabama. – On Thursday, July 26, 2018, Elvis Mark Hartrick, 42, of Panama City, Florida, received a sentence of 84 months for assaulting a correctional officer with a deadly weapon, announced United States Attorney Louis V. Franklin, Sr. Hartrick pled guilty to the charge in April.
The assault took place in September 2017 while Hartrick was an inmate at Federal Prison Camp (FPC) Montgomery, located on Maxwell Air Force Base. FPC Montgomery staff received information about the location of contraband near a secluded fence line. Upon inspection of the area, staff discovered three packages and they waited to observe the individuals who would retrieve them. Hartrick and another inmate, Marvin Nathaniel Mobley, Jr., 29, of Jacksonville, Florida, arrived at the scene in a work truck. After retrieving the packages and placing them on the back of the truck, Hartick and Mobley got back into the vehicle. The correctional officer, who was unarmed, ordered Hartrick and Mobley to stop. Hartrick, who was driving the vehicle, ignored the command and accelerated the truck directly at the officer who was standing in the middle of the narrow roadway. Realizing that Hartick was not stopping, the officer jumped quickly out of the truck’s path to avoid being struck by the vehicle. The truck was later stopped by additional correctional staff.
The packages contained various items including cell phones, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and alcohol. Inmate Mobley received a two month sentence for possession of contraband.
The case was investigated by the Bureau of Prisons. Special Assistant U.S. Attorney Doug Howard prosecuted the case.