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Press Release

U.S. Attorney Daniel Bogden And Other Federal Law Enforcement Agency Reps Tour Northern Nevada Indian Lands

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Nevada

          LAS VEGAS, Nev. – U.S. Attorney Daniel G. Bogden and other federal law enforcement representatives last week held meetings with leaders and representatives of 21 northern Nevada Indian tribes, and conducted tours of their reservations, announced United States Attorney Daniel G. Bogden.

“We strive each year to improve communication and coordination with our tribal partners,” said U.S. Attorney Bogden.  “There is no quick fix to the public safety problems the tribes face, but my office, as well as the FBI, Bureau of Indian Affairs, DEA and other federal agencies, are committed to fighting crime and promoting justice on Nevada Indian lands.”

The four-day trip, which U.S. Attorney Bogden has been conducting on an annual basis for the last several years, is part of a national effort to establish regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal officials.  U.S. Attorney Bogden was joined on this year’s trip by his Criminal Chief, Eric Johnson, and Reno Branch Chief, Sue Fahami, as well as the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) for District III, Selanhongva McDonald, BIA Special Agent Molly Hernandez, BIA Supervisory Special Agent Clifford C. Serawop, DEA Resident Agent in Charge Jerry Miller, and FBI Special Agents Brian Keeney, Michael Spitzer, and David Elkington.

            The tribal consultation meetings were conducted from Monday, July 28 through Thursday, July 31, 2014, and included discussions about tribal issues, investigations, victim advocacy, training, outreach, public safety, and violence against women.

The group visited the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California; the Carson Colony, Dresslerville, and Stewart Community Councils; Yerington, Walker River and Summit Lake Paiute Tribes; Reno-Sparks Indian Colony; Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe; Fallon Paiute Tribe; Duckwater Sho-Pai Tribe; Ely Shoshone Tribe; Wells Band Council; Duck Valley Sho-Pai Tribe; South Fork Band Council; Elko Band Council; Elko Te-Moak Tribe; Battle Mountain Band Council; Winnemucca Colony Council; Fort McDermitt Paiute Shoshone Tribe; and Lovelock Paiute Tribe. The group plans to visit the remaining Nevada tribes and reservations later this year. 

In addition to the tribal lands consultation tour each year, the Nevada U.S. Attorney’s Office holds a state-wide Native American Conference.  This year’s conference, entitled “Working Together for Hope, Healing and Justice” is the 18th State-Wide Native American Conference and will be held Aug. 25 through Aug. 27, 2014, at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nev. The conference is open to tribal chairs, administrators and tribal members, social and health care workers, law enforcement, court personnel, and others who might benefit learning from a number of topics and issues impacting the tribes.

Nevada is home to 26 federally recognized Native American Tribes located on 31 reservations and colonies. For more information on the U.S. Attorney’s work with Nevada Indian tribes, visit
Updated January 29, 2015
