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Press Release

Attorney General Appoints James P. Kennedy, Jr. U.S. Attorney

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Western District of New York

CONTACT:      Barbara Burns
PHONE:         (716) 843-5817
FAX:            (716) 551-3051

BUFFALO, N.Y. - Today, United States Attorney General Jefferson B. Sessions, III, designated and appointed James P. Kennedy, Jr. to be the United States Attorney for the Western District of New York, effective November 17, 2017. 

Since October 2016, Kennedy has served as the Acting United States Attorney pursuant to the Vacancy Reform Act. The Attorney General’s appointment of United States Attorney Kennedy is for a period of 120 days or until a Presidential appointee qualifies under 28 U.S.C. §541, whichever occurs first.

Updated November 16, 2017