The USA PATRIOT Act has been the subject of rigorous, and
appropriate, Congressional oversight. This oversight is important
and helpful, and it is a necessary part of our democratic
process of government. Since the attacks of September 11th,
the Department of Justice has provided witnesses for 115 hearings
before Congress related to the Patriot Act and the ongoing
war against terrorism. The Department has also provided over
100 pages of responses to House Judiciary Committee questions
on the Departments implementation of the Patriot Act.
After the most recent Department submission in May of 2003,
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Sensenbrenner stated: "The
Justice Department should be commended for the timing and
thoroughness of these answers. These answers will assist the
Judiciary Committee in fulfilling its legislative and oversight
responsibilities and should prove helpful in any future debate
about extending all or part of the USA PATRIOT Act. In addition,
I hope Members and the public will review the Departments
answers for an accurate understanding of what the USA PATRIOT
Act authorizes, and how this law is being implemented."
Justice Department participates in Congressional Hearings
on Patriot Act and the War on Terrorism
September 2001 - July 2003
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Justice Department responds to oversight questions from
House Judiciary Committee
Response to June 13, 2002 questions
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Justice Department responds to oversight questions from
House Judiciary Committee
Response to April 1, 2003 questions
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