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To Home Page. National Drug Intelligence Center
North Texas High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
May 2007


Local, State, and Regional

Dallas Independent School District Police Department

Dallas Police Department
     Gang Unit
     Narcotics Division

Fort Worth Police Department
     Narcotics Section

Plano Police Department

State of Oklahoma
     Central Oklahoma Metro Interdiction Team
     Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
     Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs
     Oklahoma City Police Department

State of Texas
     Department of Public Safety

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Executive Office of the President
     Office of National Drug Control Policy
          High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas
               North Texas
                    Regional Intelligence Support Center

U.S. Department of Commerce
     U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
     U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

U.S. Department of Justice
     Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
          Dallas Field Division
     Drug Enforcement Administration
          Dallas Field Division
               Tulsa Field Office
               Tyler Field Office
          El Paso Intelligence Center
               National Clandestine Laboratory Seizure System
     Federal Bureau of Investigation
          Dallas Field Division
               Plano Resident Office
                    Northern Drug Squad
               Tyler Resident Office
                    East Texas Violent Crimes Task Force

U.S. Department of the Treasury
     Internal Revenue Service

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