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To Home Page. National Drug Intelligence Center
Central Valley High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
June 2007


Illicit drug abuse levels in the CVC HIDTA region, particularly those for ice methamphetamine, are high. Ice methamphetamine is readily available and typically of high quality. Moreover, the ice methamphetamine market in the region is strong and long established. Nonetheless, high-potency marijuana, cocaine, crack, black tar heroin, ODDs, and diverted pharmaceuticals are also commonly distributed and abused within the HIDTA.

California Alcohol and Drug Data System (CADDS) data show that methamphetamine accounts for the majority of drug treatment admissions in the counties that compose the CVC HIDTA region. (See Figure 3.) CADDS data from 2003 through 2005 (the years for which the latest data are available) reveal increasing methamphetamine and marijuana admissions, a drop in heroin admissions, and relatively stable cocaine/crack admissions.

Figure 3. Central Valley California HIDTA drug treatment admissions, 2003-2005.

Bar chart showing Central Valley California HIDTA drug treatment admissions, 2003-2005.

Source: California Alcohol and Drug Data System.

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