NEW Prisoner Reentry Toolkit for Faith-Based and Community Organizations
The Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives at the Department of Labor has just released the "Prisoner Reentry Toolkit for Faith-Based and Community Organizations." The toolkit is a guide for faith-based and community organizations interested in establishing or enhancing their prisoner reentry programs. The document covers a variety of topics such as recruiting volunteers and clients, case management, job placement, mentoring, and forming successful partnerships. The toolkit can be accessed at
Department of Justice Resources
Myths about Collaboration between Corrections and Faith-Based Groups
Federal Prisoner Reentry Resources
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
The National Criminal Justice Reference (NCJRS) service maintains an on-line library of publications prepared or sponsored by the Department of Justice on prisoner re-entry. To search this library, please visit the NCJRS Abstracts page.
Additional Resources
Call to Action: How Programs in Three Cities Responded
to the Prisoner Reentry Crisis, by Paul VanDeCarr
(March 2007)
Call to Action chronicles how individuals, community
organizations, faith institutions, businesses and officials mobilized
to build partnerships to address escalating numbers of ex-prisoners
returning to their communities. The three cities highlighted in
this report, Jacksonville, FL; Memphis, TN; and Washington, D.C.,
were pioneers in responding to the nation’s prisoner reentry crisis.
They developed impressive programs and eventually joined P/PV’s Ready4Work initiative. |
Just Out: Early Lessons from the Ready4Work Prisoner
Reentry Initiative, by Linda Jucovy (February
This publication examines the early implementation of Public/Private
Venture's prisoner reentry demonstration, Ready4Work,
and reports on emerging best practices in four key program areas:
recruitment, case management, mentoring, and employment. |
When the Gates Open: Ready4Work—A National Response
to the Prisoner Reentry Crisis, by Joshua Good
and Pamela Sherrid (October 2005).
This report documents a rare partnership among the business,
government, community and faith sectors, as they come together
to confront alarmingly high incarceration and recidivism rates. |
resources from Public/Private Ventures
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