
Leader of Remington Mob Drug Gang Sentenced to 15 Years for Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine and Arson

December 12, 2008

Baltimore, Maryland - U.S. District Judge Andre M. Davis sentenced Thomas Wolf, age 32, of Baltimore, today to 15 years in prison followed by five years of supervised release for conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine and crack cocaine and for arson, announced United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein. Judge Davis also ordered Wolf to pay restitution of $169,863.10.

According to his guilty plea, from January 1992 through April, 2005, Wolf was the leader of a drug organization called the Remington Mob, which distributed cocaine and crack cocaine in the Remington area of Baltimore. The organization had in excess of a dozen persons working together to distribute the cocaine and cocaine base. Wolf and the other members would travel to source locations such as New Jersey and New York to obtain kilogram quantities of cocaine and heroin, which would be cut, or reduced with adulterants, for street sale. Members of the Remington Mob would also “cook” the cocaine powder into cocaine base or “crack” form and package and sell the cocaine base on the streets of Remington and other adjacent neighborhoods. Firearms were regularly available to the Remington Mob to protect the drug sales and enforce any disputes with rival drug trafficking groups. Those firearms included handguns and shotguns as well as semi-automatic rifles during this time period. Wolf admits that he was responsible for the distribution of more than five kilograms of cocaine, more than 50 grams of crack cocaine and more than one kilogram of heroin.

On April 22, 2005, Wolf and two co-defendants, Eric Robinson and Christopher Harryman, traveled to a residence in the 8100 block of Callo Lane in Baltimore, the home of one of Harryman’s co-workers and another individual, and set the residence on fire. The arson was in retaliation for the theft of a kilogram of cocaine from Harryman’s apartment, which Wolf and his co-conspirators believed the two individuals had committed. Harryman brought the cocaine from New York to Baltimore prior to April 22nd, and was storing it in his apartment until it was needed for sale by Wolf and other members of the Remington Mob. A few days prior to April 22, 2005, the kilogram of cocaine was stolen from Harryman’s apartment. Wolf, Harryman and Robinson initially suspected that another of Harryman’s co-workers was involved in the theft. They forced that man into their car, where they questioned him and he was pistol-whipped by Robinson. It was during the course of these events that the conspirators learned that another co-worker of Harryman and a second individual were involved in the theft. Wolf, Harryman and Robinson made several unsuccessful attempts to get the kilogram of cocaine back, which led to the arson.

Eric Robinson, age 29, and Christopher Harryman, age 31, both of Baltimore, previously pleaded guilty to the same charges and were sentenced to 12 years in prison and 211 months in prison, respectively, and were also ordered to pay restitution of $174,666.51.

United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein thanked Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Baltimore County Police Department Arson Investigation Unit for their investigative work, and commended Assistant United States Attorneys A. David Copperthite and Solette Magnelli, who prosecuted the case.



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