News and Press Releases

Father and Son Convicted of Running Illegal Internet Pharmacy

November 13, 2008

Defendants to Forfeit a Total of $11.8 Million in Illegal Drug Proceeds

Following four weeks of trial, a federal jury in Brooklyn today returned a verdict convicting ANTONIO QUINONES, the owner and operator of illegal internet pharmacies, of illegal distribution of prescription medication, conspiracy, and money laundering. The jury also returned a verdict convicting HERMAN QUINONES, ANTONIO’s son and the owner of an illegal internet pharmacy, of illegal distribution of prescription medication. In addition, the jury ordered that ANTONIO QUINONES forfeit $10 million in illegal proceeds that he obtained through the scheme. HERMAN QUINONES’ agreed to forfeit $1.8 million in illegal proceeds based on his conviction.

The defendants’ convictions were based on their distribution of millions of dollars of controlled substances without valid prescriptions to customers located throughout the United States. The government’s proof at trial established that the defendants operated five websites that sold controlled substances, primarily diet pills such as phendimetrazine and phentermine, without legitimate prescriptions. Customers were able to purchase unlimited quantities of the pills over the internet relying on doctors and pharmacists who rubber-stamped and filled the orders without regard to the health consequences to the customer patients.

“I am gratified that the defendants, having been convicted of serious crimes, will face substantial penalties, both in terms of imprisonment and the disgorgement of the proceeds of their criminal activity.” Mr. Campbell extended his grateful appreciation to the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Internal Revenue Service, the agencies responsible for leading the government’s investigation.

DEA Special Agent-in-Charge John P. Gilbride stated, “These guilty verdicts prove that our community will not tolerate drugs being peddled on the streets nor via the internet. Prescription drug abuse has tripled over the last few years and law enforcement is focused on identifying those responsible as well as the illicit mechanisms used to facilitate the distribution of illegitimately prescribed pharmaceuticals.”

When sentenced by United States District Judge Frederic Block, ANTONIO QUINONES faces a maximum sentence of 25 years’ imprisonment, and HERMAN QUINONES faces a maximum of five years’ imprisonment.

The government’s case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Stephen Meyer, Andrea Goldbarg, Todd Kaminsky, and Laura Mantell.

The Defendants:

Age: 48

Age: 23