Civil Division Press Releases for 1997
December 15 | Boston Law Firm to Pay Civil Penalty to Settle Allegations It Submitted False Loan Documents to Bank. |
November 19 | McDonnell Douglas Settles Allegations of Mischarging. |
November 12 | Department of Justice Sues Texas Medical Gas Manufacturer. |
November 5 | Vendell Healthcare Pays U.S. $4.2 Million to Settle Whistle Blower Suit for Health Care Insurance Fraud. |
October 10 | Trendway Pays U.S. $1.25 Million to Settle Allegations It Failed to Tell Government about Its Pricing Practices. |
October 10 | Government Contractor Will Pay U.S. $400,000 to Settle Allegations It Failed to Inform Government on Contracts. |
September 18 | Missouri Hospital Pays U.S. $17.5 Million for Medicare Fraud. |
September 3 | U.S. Joins Suit Against Basin Electric Power Cooperative. |
August 29 | U.S. Sues Two Tennessee Men and Related Health Care Companies . |
August 29 | Judge Stays Order in Encryption Case. |
August 13 | Department of Justice Releases Health Care Fraud Report for Fiscal 1995-96 Highlighting Added Resources and Efforts in Investigations and Prosecutions. |
August 7 | New York Contractor Pays U.S. $22.8 Million to Settle Claim. |
August 4 | Justice Department Successful against Inslaw Claims in Federal Claims Court. |
August 1 | Vendell Healthcare, Inc. to Settle with U.S. and Nebraska for $1.3 Million for Overbilling Medicaid. |
July 8 | Tennessee Bank Will Pay United States $2.75 Million to Settle Allegations It Defrauded Student Loan Program. |
June 17 | National Laboratory Pays U.S. $700,000 for Medicare Fraud. |
June 12 | Two Defense Firms Pay U.S.$500,000 to Settle Civil Dispute. |
June 5 | Emergency Physician Group to Pay U.S. and Texas $268,460 for Health Care Billing Fraud Involving Federal Agencies. |
May 23 | Texas Firm Will Pay U.S. $1.3 Million to Settle Fraud Case in Continuing Federal Investigation of Health Pump Industry. |
May 21 | EmCare Inc. to Pay U.S. and States $7.75 Million for Health Care Billing Fraud, Start Integrity Program. |
May 20 | UTC Pays U. S. $14.8 Million to Settle Military Aid Complaint. |
May 15 | AAG Hunger Statement on USAIR Settlement. |
May 15 | U.S. Joins Suit against Textron and Textron Aerostructures. |
May 5 | Four Firms Will Pay U.S. $12 Million to Settle Health Care Claims. |
May 2 | Department of Justice Settles Whistleblower Lawsuit against Blue Shield of California for 12 Million Dollars. |
May 1 | Justice Department Sues Boeing for Providing Helicopters with Faulty Parts to U.S. Military. |
April 24 | Shreveport Attorney Pays $130,000 to Settle Housing Fraud Suit. |
April 21 | Superfund Contractor Agrees to Pay U.S. $92,685 to Settle Civil Claims. |
April 10 | New Jersey Drug Firm and Owner Sentenced and Fined in Illegal Pharmaceutical and Money Laundering Scheme. |
March 19 | Maryland Firm Admits Overcharges, Pays U.S. $139,000. |
March 11 | Krueger Pays U.S. $5 Million to Settle Overcharge Claims. |
March 7 | United States Settles False Claims Act Lawsuit for $7.2 Million Allowed Claim with Ohio Company. |
February 24 | DOJ and HHS Highlight Latest Efforts to Fight Fraud by Clinical Laboratories. |
February 24 | U.S. Recovers $2.8 Million for Internet Fraud Victims. |
February 20 | Axelrad Receives Army's Highest Civilian Award. |
February 12 | California Health Lab Pays U.S. $5.2 Million for Medicare Fraud. |
February 11 | U.S. Gets $750,000 for Fraud Claims Against Oklahoma Hospital. |
February 5 | Ohio Firm Pays U.S. $500,000 to Settle Bid-rigging Claims. |
February 4 | Four Health Care Groups Pay U.S. over $2 Million for Fraud. |
February 4 | U.S. Gets $650,000 Fraud Judgment against Mississippi Developer |
February 4 | U.S. Receives $1 Million in Case Involving Poor Testing of Welds |
January 22 | Justice Takes Steps to Ensure Smoke-free Super Bowl Broadcast |
January 10 | General Electric Pays U.S. $950,000 to Settle Claim for Testing Fraud |
January 10 | U.S. Sues Virginia over Licensing of FBI Background Investigators |