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Marius Schwartz


Georgetown University
Department of Economics
Washington, D.C. 20057
Tel: (202) 687 6112
Fax: (202) 687 6102
3710 Warren Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20016
Tel: (202) 363-1896


University of California, Los Angeles

Ph.D. in Economics,

M.A. in Economics,

London School of Economics

B.Sc. in Economics


Georgetown University, Department of Economics


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Director of Graduate Studies

Undergraduate Courses Taught
Industrial Organization
International Economics
Macroeconomic Theory
Mergers & Corporate Control
Microeconomic Principles
Topics in Competition and Regulation

Graduate Courses Taught
Industrial Organization
Macroeconomic Theory I
Macroeconomic Theory II
Monetary Policy
Microeconomics: special course in Pew Freedom Fellows Program

Council of Economic Advisers, Executive Office of the President

June 1995 May 1996 (part-time consultant April & May 1995 and June 1996)
Served as the senior economist principally responsible for antitrust, regulated industries, and other industrial organization matters. Work included: 1996 Telecommunications Act; competition in international satellite services; competition in the electric utility industry; reforming the patent and trademark office; intellectual property rights; international trade disputes; health care.

U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division

June 1996 - present

Economist (part time)
January 1983 - May 1995

Economist (full time)
October 1980 - December 1982

  • Regulatory
    Analyzed various competitive issues posed by Bell Company entry into long-distance telecommunications services and submitted affidavit to Federal Communications Commission on behalf of Justice Department.

  • Testimony

  • Presented expert testimony to courts in successful challenges of merger and of consent decree.

  • Mergers
    Investigated mergers in several industries and helped to design appropriate relief.
  • Business Practices
    Worked on vertical-restraints cases (tying, exclusive dealing, resale price maintenance, exclusive territorial arrangements) and horizontal-conduct cases (collusion and predation).
  • Legislation, Congressional Matters, Division Reports
    Provided input to Antitrust Division's Merger Guidelines (1992) and Vertical Restraints Guidelines(1984). Helped draft Division comments on various Congressional legislation and responses to inquiries in several areas including price discrimination and dealer termination.
  • Cooperation with Foreign Competition Authorities
    Interacted with competition officials from several countries and agencies. Helped comment on following documents:
    • Canadian Fair Trade Commission's guidelines on predatory pricing, and on price discrimination;
    • Japanese Fair Trade Commission's guidelines on distribution systems, on sole import distributorships, and on joint R&D;
    • Korean Fair Trade Commission's guidelines on unfair trade practices in international agreements;
    • OECD papers on predatory pricing, on competition policy and franchising, and on interaction between trade and competition policies.

    Other Professional Experience

    Senior Advisor
    November 1996-present
    The Brattle Group, Economic, Environmental & Management Counsel, Cambridge, MA and Washington DC

    November 20-22, 1995
    Lecturer in Seminar on Vertical Restraints for competition officials from Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia in Cracow, Poland. Consultant in private antitrust and regulatory matters

    June 1994
    Participated in designing and teaching a short course in industrial organization to policymakers and executives in Santiago, Chile

    Pew Freedom Fellows Program
    Annually, January 1993 present
    Taught short course in microeconomics to twenty Fellows from transition economies. (Fellows hold middle-level or upper-level positions in government and private business)

    Academic Advisory Board
    Center for Economic Development, Slovakia

    World Bank

    Abt Associates / USAID
    Summer 1993
    Advised Government of Zimbabwe in Harare on formulating antitrust law, (consultant to Abt, work funded by USAID's Implementing Policy Change Project)


    Read, Write, and Speak
    English, French, Hebrew

    Read and Speak


    U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division
    Special Achievement Awards

    Brookings Institution
    Research Fellow, 1979-80

    University of California, Los Angeles
    Earhart Fellowship, 1977-78

    University of California, Los Angeles
    Regents Fellowship, 1976-77

    London School of Economics
    Premchand Prize in Monetary Economics, 1976


    Refereed Journals

    "A Quality-Signaling Rationale for Aftermarket Tying"
    Antitrust Law Journal, vol. 64 (Winter 1996): 387-404 (with Gregory J. Werden).

    "The Non-Existence of Pairwise-Proof Equilibrium"
    Economics Letters, vol. 49 (1995): 251-259 (with R. Preston McAfee).

    "Equity as a Call Option on Assets: Some Tests for Failed Banks"
    Economics Letters, vol. 48 (1995): 389-397 (with Behzad Diba and Chia-Hsiang Guo).

    "Parallel Imports, Demand Dispersion, and International Price Discrimination"
    Journal of International Economics, vol. 37 (November 1994): 167-195 (with David Malueg).

    "Opportunism in Multilateral Vertical Contracting: Nondiscrimination, Exclusivity, and Uniformity"
    American Economic Review, vol. 84 (March 1994): 210 230 (with R. Preston McAfee).

    "Preemptive Investment, Toehold Entry, and the Mimicking Principle"
    RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 22 (Spring 1991): 1 13 (with David Malueg).

    "Patent Protection through Discriminatory Exclusion of Imports"
    Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 6 (No. 3, 1991): 231 246.

    "Third Degree Price Discrimination and Output: Generalizing a Welfare Result"
    American Economic Review, vol. 80 (December 1990): 1259-1262.

    "Investments in Oligopoly: Welfare Effects and Tests for Predation"
    Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 41 (October 1989): 698-719.

    "Entry Deterrence Externalities and Relative Firm Size"
    International Journal of Industrialb Organization, vol. 6 (June 1988): 181-197 (with Michael Baumann).

    "The Competitive Effects of Vertical Agreements: Comment"
    American Economic Review, vol. 77 (December 1987): 1063-1068.

    "The Nature and Scope of Contestability Theory"
    Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 38 Supplement (November 1986): 37-57. This issue of the journal was published in parallel as Strategic Behavior and Industrial Competition, Morris et al. Eds., Oxford University Press, 1986.

    "The Perverse Effects of the Robinson-Patman Act"
    Antitrust Bulletin, vol. 31 (Fall 1986): 733-757.

    "Divisionalization and Entry Deterrence,"
    Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 101 (May 1986): 307-321 (with Earl Thompson).

    "Illinois Brick and the Deterrence of Antitrust Violations"
    Hastings Law Journal, vol. 35 (March 1984): 629 668 (with Gregory Werden).

    "Contestable Markets: An Uprising in the Theory of Industry Structure: Comment"
    American Economic Review, vol. 73 (June 1983): 488-490 (with Robert Reynolds).

    Monographs, Book Reviews, and Other Publications

    "Telecommunications Reform in the United States: Promises and Pitfalls"
    In Paul J.J. Welfens and George Yarrow, Eds., Telecommunications and Energy in Systemic Transformation, Heidelberg and New York: Springer, 1997.

    "Protecting Intellectual Property by Excluding Infringing Imports: An Economist's View of Section 337 of the U.S. Tariff Act"
    Patent World, Issue 25 (September 1990): 29-35.

    Review Essay of: Jean Tirole, The Theory of Industrial Organization
    MIT Press, 1988. Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 11 (May 1990): 131-139.

    Book Review of: J. Stiglitz and F. Mathewson eds., New Developments in the Analysis of Market Structure
    MIT Press, 1988. Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 36 (March 1988): 133-135.

    "Vertical Restraints"
    Published in German by Forschungsinstitut fur Wirtschaftsverfassung und Wettbewer by E.V. Koln, Heft 5, 1984.

    Discussion Papers and Work in Progress

    "Towards Competition in International Satellite Services: Rethinking the Role of INTELSAT"
    Paper distributed at OECD Ad Hoc Meeting of Experts on Competition in Satellite Services, Paris, June 1995 (with Joseph E. Stiglitz and Eric Wolff).

    "Competitive Markets in Generation: Economic Theory and Public Policy"
    Paper presented at conference on "Electric Utility Restructuring: Whither Competition?" organized by International Association for Energy Economics Los Angeles Chapter, and Micronomics Inc., Los Angeles, May 1995.

    "Exclusive Dealing for Rent Extraction"
    Mimeo, January 1994 (with Serge Moresi and Francis O'Toole).

    "Option Values of Deposit Insurance and Market Values of Net Worth: Some Evidence for U.S.Banks"
    Mimeo, December, 1992 (with Behzad Diba and Chia-Hsiang Guo).

    "Do Sunk Costs Discourage or Encourage Collusion?"
    U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, EPO Discussion Paper 85-10 (September 1985).

    "Signalling Equilibria Based on Sensible Beliefs: Limit Pricing Under Incomplete Information"
    U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, EPO Discussion Paper 84-4 (May 1984) (with Maxim Engers).


    Seminars Presented

    Bureau of Competition Policy, Industry Canada
    California State University, Hayward
    Columbia University
    ENSAE, Paris
    Federal Trade Commission
    Georgetown University
    George Washington University
    International Trade Commission
    Johns Hopkins University
    New York University
    Pennsylvania State University
    Simon Fraser University
    Tulane University
    U.S. Department of Justice
    University of Alberta
    University of British Columbia
    University of Calgary
    University of California, Davis
    University of California, Los Angeles
    University of Maryland
    University of Montreal
    University of Pennsylvania
    University of Toronto
    University of Virginia

    Conferences: Speaker or Discussant

    Economics of Interconnection Forum
    Federal Communications Commission, Washington DC, May 1996

    Authors' Symposium on Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Rights
    Canadian Bureau of Competition, Aylmer, Quebec, May 1996

    Electric Generation Association
    Annual Meetings, West Palm Beach, April 1996

    "Wheeling & Dealing: Opportunities and Challenges in the New Electric Industry"
    Conference sponsored by the Center for Regulatory Studies, Illinois State University and the Institute of
    Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois- Urbana, Chicago, April 1996

    "New Social and Economic Approaches to a Multimedia World"
    OECD Symposium, Tokyo, March 1996

    "Telecommunications and Energy Regulation in Transition Economies"
    Center for Economic Development, Bratislava, October 1995

    "Electric Utility Restructuring: Whither Competition?"
    Organized by International Association for Energy Economics Los Angeles Chapter, and Micronomics Inc., Los Angeles, May 1995.

    "New Learning on Barriers to Entry in Competition Policy"
    Canadian Bureau of Competition, Ottawa, March 1995

    Southeastern Economic Theory Meetings
    Charlottesville, October 1994

    EARIE Conference
    Tel Aviv, September 1993

    Midwest International Economics Meetings
    Pittsburgh, October 1992

    Latin American Econometric Society
    Mexico City, September 1992

    Conference on Industrial Organization
    Carleton University, Ottawa, July 1991

    Workshop on Strategic and Dynamic Aspects of International Trade
    SUNY at Stony Brook, July 1991

    AEI Conference on "Innovation, Intellectual Property and World Competition"
    Washington DC, September 1990

    EARIE Conference
    Lisbon, September 1990

    Conference on "International Trade and Technology"
    Brussels and London, November 1989

    EARIE Conference
    Budapest, August 1989

    Conference on Strategy and Market Structure
    Dundee University, Dundee, August 1988

    Conference on "Firm Ownership and Competition"
    Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, June 1987

    EARIE Conference
    Berlin, August 1986

    AEA Annual Meetings
    Dallas, December 1984

    Referee for Professional Journals

    American Economic Review
    Canadian Journal of Economics
    Economic Journal
    International Economic Review
    International Journal of Industrial Organization
    Journal of Business
    Journal of Business Economics
    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
    Journal of Economic Theory
    Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
    Journal of Industrial Economics
    Journal of Political Economy
    Managerial and Decision Economics
    Quarterly Journal of Economics
    Quarterly Review of Economics and Business
    RAND Journal of Economics
    Review of Industrial Organization
    Review of International Economics
    Scandinavian Journal of Economics

    Outside Evaluator--Research Proposals and Tenure & Promotion Cases

    National Science Foundation
    Small Business Administration
    Several economics departments (identities disclosed on request)

Updated June 25, 2015