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U.S. OECD Submissions On Competition Policy

U.S. Submissions to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Competition Committee.

2024 Submissions


March 13, 2024

Interim Measures in Antitrust Investigations – Note by the United States

2023 Submissions


December 6, 2023

Serial Acquisitions and Industry Roll-ups – Note by the United States

December 4, 2023

Competition and Professional Sports – Note by the United States


June 16, 2023

Theories of Harm for Digital Mergers – Note by the United States

June 15, 2023

Advantages and Disadvantages of Competition Welfare Standards – Note by the United States

June 13, 2023

The Future of Effective Leniency Programmes – Note by the United States

June 12, 2023

Assessing and Communicating the Benefits of Competition Interventions – Note by the United States

2022 Submissions


December 1, 2022

Interactions between Competition Authorities and Sector Regulators – Note by the United States

December 1, 2022

Remedies and Commitments in Abuse Cases – Note by the United States


November 28, 2022

Competition in Energy Markets – Note by the United States

November 23, 2022

Data Screening Tools for Competition Investigations – Note by the United States


June 23, 2022

Disentangling Consummated Mergers – Experiences and Challenges – Note by the United States

June 22, 2022

Purchasing Power and Buyers’ Cartels – Note by the United States

2021 Submissions


December 3, 2021

News Media and Digital Platforms – Note by the United States


June 10, 2021

The Concept of Potential Competition – Note by the United States

June 8, 2021

Competition Compliance Programmes – Note by the United States

June 7, 2021

Competition Enforcement and Regulatory Alternatives – Note by the United States


May 31, 2021

Methodologies to Measure Market Competition – Note by the United States

May 26, 2021

Competition Compliance Programmes - Note by the United States

2020 Submissions


December 2, 2020

Economic Analysis In Merger Investigations – Contribution from the United States


November 27, 2020

The Role of Competition Policy in Promoting Economic Recovery - Note by the United States

November 26, 2020



June 12, 2020

Consumer data rights and competition – Note by the United States

June 10, 2020

Conglomerate effects of mergers – Note by the United States

June 4, 2020

Start-ups, killer acquisitions and merger control – Note by the United States


May 25, 2020

Criminalization of cartels and bid rigging conspiracies – Note by the United States

2019 Submissions


November 28, 2019

Hub-and-spoke arrangements – Note by the United States

November 28, 2019


November 26, 2019


November 24, 2019

Merger Control in Dynamic Markets – Contribution from the United States

November 22, 2019

Independent Sector Regulators – Note by the United States


October 24, 2019



June 11, 2019

Publicly funded education markets – Note by the United States

June 6, 2019

Licensing of IP rights and competition law – Note by the United States

June 4, 2019


June 4, 2019

The standard of review by courts in competition cases – Note by the United States

June 4, 2019

Vertical mergers in the technology, media and telecom sector – Note by the United States


February 20, 2019

Suspensory Effects of Merger Notifications and Gun Jumping Background Note by the Secretariat


January 31, 2019

Treatment of Legally Privileged Information in Competition Proceedings Background Paper by the Secretariat

2018 Submissions


November 24, 2018


November 23, 2018


November 22, 2018


November 22, 2018


November 21, 2018


November 21, 2018


November 21, 2018

Treatment of legally privileged information in competition proceedings – Note by the United States

November 21, 2018

Suspensory Effects of Merger Notifications and Gun Jumping - Note by the United States

November 20, 2018



October 9, 2018


October 3, 2018



May 30, 2018


May 25, 2018

Taxi, ride-sourcing and ride-sharing services - Note by the United States

May 23, 2018


May 23, 2018

Roundtable on designing and testing effective consumer-facing remedies - Note by the United States

May 23, 2018

Implications of E-commerce for Competition Policy - Note by the United States

2017 Submissions


December 1, 2017

Roundtable on Safe Harbours and Legal Presumptions in Competition Law - Note by the United States

December 1, 2017

Judicial Perspectives on Competition Law Contribution from the United States

December 1, 2017



November 30, 2017


November 28, 2017



June 19, 2017

Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in the United States - 2016


May 26, 2017

Algorithms and Collusion

Competition Issues in Aftermarkets

Methodologies for Conducting Market Studies

2016 Submissions


November 21, 2016

Roundtable on Price Discrimination

November 18, 2016

Innovation and Competition in Land Transport

November 17, 2016

Agency Decision-Making in Merger Cases: From a Prohibition Decision to a Conditional Clearance

November 10, 2016

Sanctions in Antitrust Cases

November 8, 2016

Geographic Market Definition

November 7, 2016

Independence of Competition Authorities - From Designs to Practices


June 15, 2016

Commitment Decisions in Antitrust Cases

Fidelity Rebates

Public Interest Considerations in Merger Control

Selected U.S. Submissions on Competition Policy

June 13, 2016

Disruptive Innovation in Legal Services

2015 Submissions


October 20, 2015

Does Competition Create or Kill Jobs

October 16, 2015

Hearing on Across Platform Parity Agreements

October 12, 2015

Serial Offenders: Why Some Industries Seem Prone to Endemic Collusion

October 7, 2015

Roundtable on Cartels Involving Intermediate Goods


July 16-18, 2015

Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in the United States - 2014


June 19, 2015

Hearing on Disruptive Innovation

June 12, 2015

Hearing on Oligopoly Markets

June 9, 2015

Roundtable on Competitive Neutrality in Competition Enforcement

June 5, 2015

Relationship Between Public and Private Antitrust Enforcement


May 26, 2015

Competition Issues in Liner Shipping

2014 Submissions


December 8, 2014

Intellectual Property and Standard Setting


November 20, 2014

Use of Markers in Leniency Programs


June 19, 2014

Generic Pharmaceuticals

June 17, 2014

Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in the United States --2013--

June 16, 2014

Airline Competition

June 11, 2014

Financing of the Roll-Out of Broadband Networks


February 10, 2014

Competition Issues in the Distribution of Pharmaceuticals

February 4, 2014

Investigations of Consummated and Non-Notifiable Mergers


January 16, 2014

Fighting Corruption and Promoting Competition

2013 Submissions


October 9, 2013

Competition Issues in Food Chain Industry

October 4, 2013

Discussion on How to Define Confidential Information

Remedies in Cross-Border Merger Cases

October 1, 2013

Waste Management Services


September 27, 2013

Roundtable on Ex Officio Cartel Investigations and the Use of Screens to Detect Cartels


June 17, 2013

Role and Measurement of Quality in Competition Analysis

Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in the United States 2012

June 10, 2013

Roundtable on Competition in Road Fuel

June 4, 2013

Recent Developments in Rail Transportation Services

Definition of Transaction for the Purpose of Merger Control Review


February 25, 2013

Vertical Restraints for On-Line Sales

February 21, 2013

Competition and Poverty Reduction

February 11, 2013

Competition Issures in Television and Broadcasting

February 7, 2013

Methods for Allocating Contracts for the Provision of Regional and Local Transportation Services

2012 Submissions


October 19, 2012

Competition and Payment Systems

October 10, 2012

Roundtable on the Role of Efficiency Claims in Antitrust Proceedings

October 1, 2012

Discussion on Leniency for Subsequent Applicants


August 7, 2012

2011 Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in the United States


June 7, 2012

Market Definition


February 8, 2012

Unilateral Disclosure of Information with Anticompetitive Effects

Competition in Hospital Services

February 7, 2012

Competition and Commodity Price Volatility


January 31, 2012

Improving International Co-operation in Cartel Investigations

2011 Submissions


October 18, 2011

The Relationship Between Competition Authorities and Courts

October 17, 2011

Excessive Prices


June 29, 2011

2010 Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in the United States

Impact Evaluation of Merger Decisions

Promoting Compliance with Competition Law

June 28, 2011

Remedies in Merger Cases

June 27, 2011

Competition Concerns in Ports and Port Services


February 9, 2011

Economic Evidence in Merger Analysis

February 8, 2011

Quantification of Harm to Competition by National Courts and Competition Agencies

The Regulated Conduct Defense

February 3, 2011

Cross-Border Merger Control: Challenges for Developing and Emerging Economies


January 17, 2011

Crisis Cartels

2010 Submissions


October 21, 2010

Horizontal Agreement in the Environmental Context

Information Exchanges between Competitors under Competition Law

October 20, 2010

Arbitration and Competition

October 19, 2010

Emission Permits and Competition

Pro-Active Policies for Green Growth and the Market Economy


August 19, 2010

2009 Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in the United States


June 11, 2010

Procedural Fairness Issues in Civil and Administrative Enforcement

June 9, 2010


June 8, 2010

Competition and Sports

June 7, 2010

Public Procurement & Bid Rigging Issues


February 12, 2010

Transparency Issues in Civil and Administrative Proceedings

February 11, 2010

Electricity Renewable and Smart Grids

February 4, 2010

Competition, Concentration and Stability in the Banking Sector


January 20, 2010

Collusion and Corruption in Public Procurement

2009 Submissions


October 19, 2009

Margin Squeeze

October 14, 2009

Generic Pharmaceuticals

October 12, 2009

State-Owned Enterprises and Competitive Neutrality

October 6, 2009

Failing Firm Defense


June 9, 2009

Change of Merger Review Standard from the Dominance Test to the SLC/SIEC Test

Competition, Patents and Innovation

Two-Sided Markets

June 8, 2009

Competition and Regulation in Auditing and Related Professions


February 19, 2009

Competition Policy and the Informal Economy

February 12, 2009

Competition Policy, Industrial Policy and National Champions

February 11, 2009

Competition and Financial Markets Supplement


January 30, 2009

Competition and Financial Markets


October 12, 2001

Range Effects: The United States Perspective

Updated June 25, 2024