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Press Release

Justice Department Seeks to Shut Down New Jersey Tax Return Preparer

For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs
Garfield, N.J., Woman Prepared Tax Returns That Improperly Claimed Earned Income Tax Credit

The United States has asked a federal court in Camden, N.J., to bar Doris E. Baules, who operates D’Vazquez Tax Solutions, from preparing tax returns for others, the Justice Department announced today. According to the government complaint, Baules continually and improperly claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) on her clients’ returns to enable them to receive erroneous tax refunds. The suit alleges that the defendant improperly increases their EITC claims.

According to the complaint, the Internal Revenue Service previously conducted an investigation into the tax returns that Baules prepared for the 2009 tax year, and assessed $12,500 in return preparer penalties against her because she failed to exercise due diligence in determining whether her clients were entitled to the EITC. Baules continued to claim increased EITC on returns she prepared even after the IRS contacted her. According to the complaint, the total harm to the U.S. Treasury caused by Doris Baules’ misconduct is estimated to be as high as $6.2 million.

In the past decade the Justice Department’s Tax Division has obtained injunctions against hundreds of tax-return preparers and tax-fraud promoters. Information about these cases is available on the Justice Department website

Related Materials:

United States v. Doris E. Baules
Complaint for Permanent Injunction and Other Relief (PDF)

Updated June 3, 2016

Press Release Number: 13-222