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Robert Crandall Biography, Single-Firm Conduct Hearings, March 2007


Robert W. Crandall is a Senior Fellow in the Economic Studies Program of the Brookings Institution and Chairman of Criterion Economics. His research has focused on telecommunications regulation, cable television regulation, the effects of trade policy in the steel and automobile industries, environmental policy, and the changing regional structure of the U.S. economy. His current research focuses on competition in the telecommunications sector and the development of broadband services. His latest book, Competition and Chaos: U.S. Telecommunications since the 1996 Act,was published by Brookings in 2005. His book on broadband policy, Broadband: Should We Regulate High-Speed Internet Access? (edited with James Alleman) was published by Brookings in 2002.His book on universal service in telephony, Who Pays for “Universal Service”? (written with Leonard Waverman of the London Business School), was published by Brookings in 2000. He was also a contributor, with Professor Jerry Hausman of MIT, to the Brookings book, Deregulation of Network Industries: What's Next? (Sam Peltzman and Clifford Winston, editors).

He was a Johnson Research Fellow at the Brookings Institution and has taught economics at Northwestern University, MIT, the University of Maryland, and the George Washington University, and the Stanford in Washington program. Prior to assuming his current position at Brookings, Mr. Crandall served as assistant, acting, and deputy director for the Council on Wage and Price Stability.

Mr. Crandall is also the author of Talk is Cheap: The Promise of Regulatory Reform in North American Telecommunications (with Leonard Waverman); Cable TV: Regulation or Competition? (With Harold Furchtgott-Roth); The Extra Mile: Rethinking Energy Policy for Automotive Transportation (with Pietro Nivola); After the Breakup: The U.S. Telecommunications Sector in a More Competitive Era; Manufacturing on the Move; Changing the Rules: Technological Change, International Competition, and Regulation in Communications (with Kenneth Flamm), and numerous journal articles.

He holds an M.S. and a Ph.D. in economics from Northwestern University.

Updated January 5, 2024