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Simon Bishop Biography

  Simon Bishop
General Overview Simon Bishop is a Partner and co-founder of RBB Economics. He has been advising clients on competition policy issues since 1991 and has particular expertise in applying empirical techniques in the context of merger investigations. In addition to his private sector work, Simon was seconded for a short period to the German Federal Cartel Office where he gave a series of seminars on the use of economics in competition law.

Simon has published widely on virtually all aspects of competition law economics and is a regular speaker at competition law conferences. He is the co-author of The Economics of EC Competition Law published by Sweet & Maxwell (Second edition published 2002).

Experience Simon has worked extensively on the analysis of mergers before the EC Commission and various national competition authorities, particularly those in the UK. Cases on which he has taken a leading role include Microsoft/Telewest, Mitsui/CVRD/Caemi, Telia/Telenor, GE/Instrumentarium, GE/Amersham, Carlton/ Granada and British Airways/CityFlyer.

He has also advised numerous clients in connection with behavioural enquiries in areas such as abuse of dominance and vertical restraints. He has been involved in several of the leading cases in this area, including work on BA/Virgin for British Airways and on behalf of Northcliffe Newspapers during the Chapter II investigation into the pricing behaviour of Aberdeen Journals.

In the field of cartels and restrictive agreements, he has advised on numerous projects before the EC Commission, national competition authorities and the courts. His work in this area has covered both the theoretical analysis of pro-competitive and anti-competitive effects of restrictive agreements, and also the empirical analysis of the impact of actual and alleged infringements. Clients who he has advised on the competitive effects of alleged restrictive agreements include Heineken, UEFA, Canal+ and the FA Premier League. In the context of cartel proceedings, his clients include BPB, Arjo Wiggins and Holcim.

In addition to his work before the EC Commission and the UK competition authorities, he has presented economic reports on behalf of clients to the German Federal Cartel Office, the Belgian competition authorities, the Polish Anti-Monopoly Office and utility regulators. He has also appeared as an expert witness before national courts.

Sector Experience Simon has worked on several hundred competition law matters spanning virtually all sectors of the economy. He has advised on major competition law investigations in a range of industries including television broadcasting (in particular, in the pay-TV sector), telecommunications, newspapers, airlines, banking, pharmaceuticals, sports, brewing, numerous industries with branded consumer products, steel, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and devices, recorded music, electricity and water.


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Updated January 3, 2024