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Republic of Haiti

Citizenship and Country Documents

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • ZZZ201437.E - Bahamas and Haiti: Requirements and procedures for foreign nationals, particularly Haitians, to obtain permanent residence in the Bahamas; rights and obligations of permanent residents; circumstances leading to the loss of permanent residence; possibility of extending or reacquiring status if lost (2018–January 2024) - Feb. 2024
    • ZZZ201785.E - Brazil and Haiti: History of immigration legislation concerning permanent residence for Haitian nationals in Brazil (2010–January 2024) - Feb. 2024
    • ZZZ201620.E - Chile and Haiti: Requirements and procedures for foreign nationals, particularly Haitians, including parents or spouses of Chilean citizens or permanent residents, to obtain and maintain permanent residence in Chile, including through temporary residence; rights and obligations of permanent residents; circumstances leading to the loss of permanent residence; possibility of extending or reacquiring status if lost or expired (2021–January 2023) - July 2023
    • ZZZ201334.E - Chile and Haiti: Requirements and procedures for foreign nationals, particularly Haitians, including parents or spouses of Chilean citizens or permanent residents, to obtain and maintain permanent residence in Chile, including through temporary residence; rights and obligations of permanent residents; circumstances leading to the loss of permanent residence; possibility of extending or reacquiring status if lost or expired (2021–January 2023) - Feb. 2023
    • ZZZ201108.E - Chile/Haiti: Requirements and procedures for foreign nationals, particularly Haitians, including parents or spouses of Chilean citizens or permanent residents, to obtain and maintain permanent residence in Chile, including through temporary residence; the circumstances leading to the loss of permanent residence; the possibility of extending or reacquiring status if lost or expired (2020–July 2022) - Sept. 2022
    • ZZZ104106.FE - Whether a citizen of Haiti who is married to a citizen of the Bahamas can obtain permanent residence in the Bahamas; conditions that can lead to the revocation of permanent resident status of a person in that situation, particularly whether that status can be revoked if that person leaves the Bahamas or if their spouse dies; the conditions to be met by a person in that situation to reacquire permanent resident status; whether a person who is a permanent resident of the Bahamas can renew a business license even if their spouse, a citizen of the Bahamas, is deceased - June 2012
    • ZZZ104300.FE - Dominican Republic and Haiti: Procedures to obtain and renew a residence permit; requirements for citizens of Haiti to enter the Dominican Republic (2011-Feb. 2013) - Feb. 2013
    • HTI104293.E - Dual citizenship, including legislation; requirements and procedures for former Haitian citizens to re-acquire citizenship (2012-January 2013) - Feb. 2013
    • ZZZ105286.E - Dominican Republic and Haiti: Procedures to obtain and renew a residence permit in the Dominican Republic; requirements for citizens of Haiti to enter the Dominican Republic (2013-September 2015). Oct. 14, 2015
    • HTI105535.FE - Haiti: Requirements and procedures to obtain a passport in the country and abroad (2014-2016) - June 2016
    • HTI105997.FE - Haiti: Meaning of the letters "RL" in the alphanumeric passport code (2016-September 2017) - Sept 2017
    • HTI105990.FE - Haiti: The identity sheet, including its use and the procedure to obtain it; whether a standard model exists for the certificate of identity (2015-September 2017) - Oct. 2017
    • HTI105996.FE - Haiti: Format of birth certificates issued following the Presidential Order (Arrêté présidentiel) of 16 January 2014, including the information therein; requirements and procedure to obtain these birth certificates (2014-September 2017) - Oct 2017
    • HTI106134 - Haiti: Appearance of driver’s license and procedure for obtaining and renewing them; fraudulent driver’s license and whether valid license can be obtained using false information (2016-June 2018) - June 2018
    • ZZZ106283.FE Brazil and Haiti: Whether it is possible for Haitian nationals whose children have Brazilian citizenship to obtain permanent resident status; requirements and application procedure (2017-April 2019). - April 2019
    • ZZZ106282.FE - Brazil and Haiti: Procedure for reacquiring permanent resident status when it has been revoked due to an absence from Brazil for more than two years; whether Haitians who have lost permanent resident status have been able to require it (2017-July 2019). - Aug. 2019
    • ZZZ106295.E - Brazil and Haiti: Employment situation of Haitians in Brazil, including treatment in the workplace; whether Haitians face discrimination in hiring; state recourse available (2018-June 2019). - Sept. 2019
    • HTI200281.FE  - Treatment by society of Haitians who have lived for a long time abroad, especially in Canada, after they return to their country; whether they are at risk of being victims of violence, and including the type of violence and from whom; whether their return could represent a threat to their families (2018–July 2020). -  July 2020
    • HTI200280.FE -  Samples of official documents, such as birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, police certificates, and peace court records, including information on their security features (2017-July 2020). - July 2020
    • ZZZ200658.E - Temporary visas, including for family reunification; whether foreign national parents of a child with Brazilian citizenships can obtain a temporary visa for family reunification; rights and responsibilities of holders of a temporary visa; requirements and procedures to apply; treatment of children with Brazilian citizenships, born of Haitian parents, who return alone to Brazil; services offered by the state for these minor children, such as foster homes, including conditions where they will be placed (2017-April 2021) - July 2021

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Foreign Government Reports  
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • ZZZ201066.E - Dominican Republic and Haiti: The Dominican Republic's migration policies regarding its border with Haiti; exit and entry procedures at land borders, including required documents for Haitian nationals; irregular movements between the two countries - Oct. 2022

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US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HTI104720.FE - The "restaveks"; state protection provided and support offered by NGOs; Voodoo rites to which parents may subject their children (2013) Jan. 2014

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
  • Amnesty International
    • Overcoming Poverty and Abuse: Protecting Girls in Domestic Service in Haiti - Nov. 2009
    • Coalition to stop the use of Child Soldiers - Child Soldiers Global Report - 2008

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Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HTI103752.FE - Results of the presidential and legislative elections of March 2011; whether violent incidents took place during and after the elections - June 2011
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
  • Election Guide - Recent Elections

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Ethnic Groups / Race

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Minority Rights Group International - World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples: Haiti - Overview

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Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HTI200278.E - The situation of women who live alone, including those who are not in precarious situations; whether they can access employment and housing; support services available to them (2017-June 2020) - Aug. 2020
    • HTI200653.E - Gender-based and sexual violence, including by criminal groups, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on these forms of violence; state protection (2019-June 2021) - June 2021
    • HTI200283.FE - The situation of sexual and gender minorities, including legislation, treatment by society and the authorities, state protection and support services (2018-June 2020). - June 2020
    • HTI105995.FE - Haiti: The situation of women who live alone, including those who are not in precarious situations; whether they can access employment and housing; support services available to them (2015-September 2017) - Oct. 2017
    • HTI104396.FE Haiti: Domestic violence, especially in rural areas; protection and services available for victims - June 2013
    • HTI104085.E Haiti: Sexual violence against women, including domestic sexual violence; in particular, prevalence within and outside of camps for the internally displaced; criminal prosecutions (2011-May 2012) - June 2012
    • HTI103716.FE - Violence against women and domestic violence; in particular, the protection, services and recourse offered to victims, particularly in Jérémie, Cayes and Gonaïves (2009 - March 2011) - June 2011
    • HTI102280.FE - Haiti: Domestic Violence - Jan. 2007
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International
    • Haiti's emergency response must include protection from sexual violence - March 2010
  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Human Rights Watch
      • "Nobody Remembers Us" Failure to Protect Women's and Girls' Right to Health and Security in Post Earthquake Haiti - Aug. 2011

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      Human Rights

      US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
      • Canada Responses for Information Requests (RIRs) 
        • HTI201784.E - Treatment by society, criminal groups, and authorities, of Haitian nationals who return to Haiti after an extended absence abroad, particularly those returning from Canada; whether their return represents a threat to the safety of their family members in Haiti; state protection (2022-January 2024) - Feb. 2024
        • ZZZ201307.E - Chile and Haiti: Situation and treatment of Haitian nationals in Chile, including access to employment, housing, and social services; state protection (2021–January 2023) - Feb. 2023
        • HTI106296.E - Profile of the economic situation, including employment and the impact of remittances; ability to find employment in both urban and rural areas (2017-September 2019) - Sept. 2019
        • HTI200334.FE - Treatment by society of Haitians who have lived for a long time abroad, especially in Canada, after they return to their country; whether they are at risk of being victims of violence, and including the type of violence and from whom; whether their return could represent a threat to their families - Aug. 2020

      Non-Government Organization Reports

      • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
      • Haiti COI Compilation - April 2023
      • Amnesty International
        • Amnesty International Report 2022/23: The state of the world’s human right - Mar. 2023
      • Freedom House
      • Human Rights Watch -  2022, 2021, 2020, 20192018201720162015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
        • “Living a Nightmare” Haiti Needs an Urgent Rights-Based Response to Escalating Crisis - Aug. 2023
        • Haiti's Rendezvous with History - The case of Jean-Claude Duvalier - April 2011
      • OAS - IACHR - Observations of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Upon Conclusion of Its April 2007 Visit to Haiti - 2008

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      Justice System

      Foreign Government Reports
      • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
        • HTI201784.E - Treatment by society, criminal groups, and authorities, of Haitian nationals who return to Haiti after an extended absence abroad, particularly those returning from Canada; whether their return represents a threat to the safety of their family members in Haiti; state protection (2022-January 2024) - Feb. 2024
        • HTI105534.FE - Procedures from the time a criminal complaint is filed until a judgment is rendered (2014-June 2016) - June 2016
        • HTI104872.FE - Information on the security situation, including crime and kidnappings; measures taken by the government and other bodies to fight crime (June 2012-May 2014) - June 2014
        • HTI104397.FE - The Haitian National Police (Police nationale d'Haïti, PNH), including its effectiveness, reform, and the reliability of reports issued by the police and justices of the peace; whether there is an authority that handles complaints about the police (2010-May 2013) - 2013
        • HTI103346.E - Overview of police reform efforts - Feb. 2010

      Non-Government Organization Reports

      • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)

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      Foreign Government Reports

      • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
        • HTI200285.FE - Requirements and procedures for transferring land, including when the owner lives abroad; whether criminals or criminal gangs have been involved in the illegal acquisition of land, including by force or through fraudulent documents; whether the affected persons have legal means to recover their land (2017–July 2020). - July 2020

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      Non-Government Organization Reports

      • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)

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      Medical Availability

      US Government Reports International Government Organization Reports
      • World Health Organization Page

      Foreign Government Reports

      • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
        • HTI106236.FE - Access to treatment for HIV or AIDS, including support from the public or private sectors, as well as from international organizations; treatment by society of people with HIV or AIDS, especially when they seek treatment and including cases where these people are members of a sexual minority (2016) - February 2019
        • HTI200656.FE - Treatment of individuals with COVID-19 or perceived as such, including those returning from abroad; state protection (2020-June 2021) - July 2021

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      Political Figures and Parties

      US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
      • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
        • HTI201333.FE - Haiti: The situation of political parties and the treatment of political opponents, including by criminal groups (2021–January 2023) - Feb. 2023
        • HTI200284.FE - Haiti: The Fanmi Lavalas political party, including its leaders, political platform, geographic reach and activities; its relations with the government; whether the party has ties to criminal groups (2017–July 2020). - July 2020
        • HTI200654.E - The political situation, including the contestation of the president's mandate and the government's response (2019-July 2021) - July 2021
        • HTI200290.E - The political situation, including presidential, legislative and municipal elections; active political parties (2015-July 2020). - July 2020
        • HTI106218.FE - The Justice Platform (Platfòm Jistis) political party, including its political platform, structure, founding members and leaders, ties to other entities or political parties, and its candidates in the 2015 and 2016 elections; treatment by authorities of members (2015-January 2019). -  Jan. 2019
        • HTI106126.FE - Haiti: The Assembly of Progressive National Democrats (Rassemblement des démocrates nationaux progressistes, RDNP), including political agenda, structure, leaders and documents issued to members; relationship with the government; treatment of members by the authorities (2014-June 2018) - June 2018
        • HTI104366.FE: The Assembly of Progressive National Democrats (Rassemblement des démocrates nationaux progressistes, RDNP); political activities and organizational structure; regions of the country that its elected members represent; the socio-economic groups and geographic areas of Haiti that support it; treatment of its members by the authorities (2009-April 2013) - Apr. 2013
        • HTI103345.E - Reports of the Preval government being involved in politically motivated violence (2007-2009) - Jan. 2010

      Non-Government Organization Reports

      • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)

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      Refugees / IDPs / Returnees

      Foreign Government Reports

      • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
        • HTI201784.E - Treatment by society, criminal groups, and authorities, of Haitian nationals who return to Haiti after an extended absence abroad, particularly those returning from Canada; whether their return represents a threat to the safety of their family members in Haiti; state protection (2022-January 2024) - Feb. 2024

      Intergovernmental Organization Reports

      • UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
        • International Protection Considerations with Regard to People Fleeing Haiti - Mar. 2024
        • Brief report on the situation of IDPs (Colombia, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico) - Dec. 2023

      Non-Government Reports

      • Amnesty International
        • “Where are we going to live?” Migration and Statelessness in Haiti and the Dominican Republic - 2016

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      US Government Reports

      Non-Government Organization Reports

      • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)

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      Sexual Orientation


      Foreign Government Reports

      • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
        • HTI201783.E - Sexual and gender-based violence, including acts perpetrated by criminal groups; treatment of survivors by society and state authorities; support services; state protection (2022-January 2024) - Feb. 2024

        • HTI200228.E - Situation and treatment of survivors of sexual violence and domestic violence, including stigmatization and revictimization - Aug 2020

      Non-Government Organization Reports

      • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)

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      Specific Country Issues - Recent Disasters

      Foreign Government Reports
      • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
        • HTI103972.FE - Efforts to rebuild and repair housing in Port-au-Prince after the January 2010 earthquake, particularly in the wealthiest neighborhoods; availability of houses and apartments in Port-au-Prince - Feb. 2012
      Non-Government Organization Reports
      • International Crisis Group
        • Stabilization and Reconstruction After the Quake - March 2010

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      Specific Country Issues - Violence

      Foreign Government Reports
      • Canada Requests for Information Responses (RIRs)
        • HTI201332.FE - Security situation and criminality, including major criminal groups and how they are organized, activities and areas of influence, including outside Port-au-Prince (August 2022–January 2023) - June 2023
        • HTI104398.FE - Summary of observations on the security and violence in Haiti made in 2008 and updated in 2013 by Cécile Marotte, Associate Researcher at the Knowledge and Freedom Foundation (Fondation connaissance et liberté, FOKAL /OSI) from 2008 to 2012, clinical psychologist since 2013 at the Victoria Institute in Montréal - May 2013
        • HTI105162.FE - Haiti: Revenge committed by gangs or by other organized crime structures; capacity of gangs or other organized crime structures to trace their targets, including if the targets return to Haiti after a long absence - June 2015
        • HTI106116.FE - Haiti: The security situation, including crime and kidnappings; measures taken by the government and other stakeholders to fight crime (2014-June 2018) - June 2018
        • HTI106117.FE - Haiti: Acts of revenge committed by gangs or by other organized crime entities; ability of gangs or other organized crime entities to track down their targets, including those who return to Haiti after a long absence (2015-June 2018) - July 2018
        • HTI106291.FE - Violence, including sexual violence, against women; state protection and support services (2017-June 2019). - June 2019
        • HTI106306.FE - Crime, including protection available against crime and the effectiveness of that protection, particularly in Port-au-Prince, Cap-Haïtien, Jérémie, Les Cayes and Gonaïves (2016-June 2019). - June 2019
        • HTI200655.FE - Security situation and criminal groups, including the Group of 9 and kidnappings; slate protection (2019-July 2021) - July 2021

      Non-Government Organization Reports

      • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
      • International Crisis Group
        • Haiti’s Gangs: Can a Foreign Mission Break Their Stranglehold? - Jan. 2024
        • Haiti’s Last Resort: Gangs and the Prospect of Foreign Intervention - Dec. 2022

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      Speech / Press / Internet



      US Government Reports
      Updated March 21, 2024