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Republic of Serbia

Citizenship and Country Documents

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • ZZZ103995.E - Whether an individual born in Kosovo when it was part of Serbia can obtain Serbian citizenship; documents required to access citizenship - Feb. 2012 (PDF)
    • ZZZ102713.E - Yugoslavia/Serbia/Croatia: The issuance of Yugoslavian, Serbian and Croatian passports; specifically, eligibility for a Yugoslavian passport between 1989-1993; until when were Yugoslavian passports issued and what were they replaced with; the date Serbian and Croatian passports began to be issued and the requirements of entitlement - Jan. 2008 (PDF)
    • SRB102413.E - Serbia: Documentation required and procedures to be followed by a parent wishing to travel abroad with a minor child in the absence, or without the consent, of the other parent - Feb. 2007 (PDF)
    • SCG43288.E - Serbia and Montenegro: Whether a citizen of Serbia and Montenegro from birth, who emigrated from Kosovo to Turkey and became a Turkish citizen, is required to give up his/her Serbia and Montenegro citizenship (March 2005) - March 2005 (PDF)

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US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Children - 2010 (PDF)
  • Department of Labor - Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor - 2015 (PDF),  2014 (PDF), 2013 (PDF), 2012 (PDF), 2011 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Key Documents - Children - March 2010 (PDF)
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SRB102413.E - Serbia: Documentation required and procedures to be followed by a parent wishing to travel abroad with a minor child in the absence, or without the consent, of the other parent - Feb. 2007 (PDF)
Non Government Organization Reports
  • Coalition to stop the use of Child Soldiers - Child Soldiers Global Report - 2008 (PDF)
  • Human Rights Watch
    • "It is My Dream to Leave This Place" Children with Disabilities in Serbian Institutions - June 2016 (PDF)
  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center

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US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Corruption and Lack of Transparency in Government - 2010 (PDF)

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US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Persons with Disabilities - 2010 (PDF)

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US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Elections - 2010 (PDF)
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Election Guide - Recent Elections
  • Human Rights Watch Profile
    • Discouraging Democracy: Elections and Human Rights in Serbia - 1997

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Ethnic Groups / Race

US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - National/Racial/Ethnic Minorities - 2010 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Key Documents - Ethnic Minorities - Mar. 2010 (PDF)
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SRB102484.E - Rights of Montenegrin citizens who live in Serbia since the independence of Montenegro in June 2006 - March 2007 (PDF)
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Overview (PDF)

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Askaelia

Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Askaelia - Apr. 2005 (PDF)

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Ethnic Albanians

Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Ethnic Albanians - Apr. 2005 (PDF)
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SRB103447.E - Serbia: Situation of ethnic Albanians in Serbia; incidents of violence and state protection available to victim - April 2010 (PDF)
    • SCG100786.E - Treatment of ethnic Albanians in Serbia and Montenegro, excluding the United Nations administered province of Kosovo (January 2005 - December 2005) - Dec. 2005 (PDF)
    • SCG43300.E - Treatment of ethnic Albanians living in the Presevo Valley, Vojvodina and Sandjak region of Serbia by the state, and by society in general (January 2003-February 2005) - March 2005 (PDF)
Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Hungarians and Croats

Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Hungarians and Croats - Apr. 2005 (PDF)
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    1. Please could you provide a more detailed response about the harassment of, violence against and discrimination of Croats or half- Croats who live in Serbia?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SCG43353.E - Incidents of harassment or violence carried out by extreme nationalist group; government response (2003-February2005) - Feb. 2005 (PDF)
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Hungarians (PDF)

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Jews

US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Anti-Semitism - 2010 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Jews - Apr. 2005 (PDF)

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Roma

Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Roma - Apr. 2005 (PDF)
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SCG43393.E - Serbia and Montenegro: Information on societal attitudes and the availability of protection to Roma (January 2003-February 2005) - March 2005 (PDF)
    • SCG43392.E - Serbia and Montenegro: Information on the access to health services, education, employment and social services by Roma (January 2003-February 2005) - March 2005 (PDF)
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Roma (PDF)
  • Amnesty International
    • Continuing impunity for war crimes and discrimination against Roma – Feb. 2013 (PDF)
    • Serbia: Home is more than a roof over your head: Roma denied adequate housing in Serbia - Apr. 2011 (PDF)
    • Serbia: Not Welcome Anywhere: Stop the Forced Return of Roma to Kosovo - Sept. 2010 (PDF)
    • Serbia: Stop the Forced Evictions of Roma Settlements - June 2010 (PDF)

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US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Women - 2010 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Gender - March 2010 (PDF)
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SRB103041.E - Serbia: Domestic violence; legislation and implementation; support services for victims (2001 - April 2009) - May 2009 (PDF)
    • SCG43288.E - Serbia and Montenegro: Domestic violence and spousal abuse (January 2003 - March 2005) - March 2005 (PDF)

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Human Rights

US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2017 (PDF),  2016 (PDF), 2015 (PDF), 2014 (PDF), 2013 (PDF), 2012 (PDF), 2011 (PDF), 2010 (PDF)
    • Information on Student Political Activists since the fall of Milosevic - Feb. 2001 (PDF)
    • Yugoslavia: 1.) Information on risk factors for those with connections to the United States, especially those who have been in the United States through the NATO bombing. 2.) Current information on compulsory military service. - July 1999 (PDF)
    • Yugoslavia: Information On Those With Connections To The United States, Especially Those Who Have Been Granted Asylum Status. - Mar. 1999 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Key Document - Human Rights - Mar. 2010 (PDF)
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International - 2020 (PDF), 2019 (PDF), 2018 (PDF), 2016 (PDF), 2015 (PDF), 2014 (PDF), 2013 (PDF)
  • Amnesty International
    • Submission to the UN committee on economic, social and cultural rights, 52nd session – May 2014 (PDF)
    • Continuing impunity for war crimes and discrimination against Roma – Feb. 2013 (PDF)
    • Serbia: Human Rights Defenders at Risk - Sep. 2009 (PDF)
  • Freedom House - 2019 (PDF), 2017 (PDF),  2015 (PDF), 2013 (PDF), 2012 (PDF), 2010 (PDF)
    • Nations in Transit - 2016 (PDF), 2014 (PDF)
  • Human Rights Watch - 2015 (PDF), 2014 (PDF), 2013 (PDF), 2012 (PDF), 2011 (PDF), 2010 (PDF)
  • Human Rights Watch Profile
    • Dangerous Indifference - Violence Against Minorities in Serbia - Oct. 2005 (PDF)
    • Curtailing Political Dissent:Serbia's Campaign of Violence and Harassment Against Government Critics - 2000
    • Deepening Authoritarianism in Serbia: The Purge of the Universities - 1999
    • Discouraging Democracy: Elections and Human Rights in Serbia - 1997

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Justice System

US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Arbitrary Arrest or Detention - 2010 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SCG43355.E - Serbia and Montenegro: Whether torture is used in prisons in cases where the suspect is arrested for murdering a police official or planning other attacks on government officials (2002-February 2005) - Feb. 2005 (PDF)
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Human Right Watch Profile
    • "Weighing the Evidence" Lessons from the Slobodan Milosevic Trial - Dec. 2006 (PDF)

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Non-Government Organziation Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Submission to the committee on enforced disappearances – February 2015 (PDF)

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Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Key Document - Geography - Mar. 2010 (PDF)
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • SRB37720 - Nov. 2010 (PDF)
      1. Please provide any relevant background information on:
        - Kosovo;
        - the Kosovar town of Kosovska Mitrovica; and
        - the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia.

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Medical Availability

International Government Reports
  • World Health Organization Page
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Key Document - Health Care - Mar. 2010 (PDF)
  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • Serbia - Availability of health care services - Sept. 2009 (PDF)

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Political Figures and Parties

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Political Parties - April 2005 (PDF)
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • SRB37812 - Nov. 2010 (PDF)
      1. Please provide information on the current extent of Serbian Radical Party (SRS) or other extremist presence and impact in Zabalj. Please also include evidence of current elected representatives and to which party they belong.
      2. Please provide any information about current police protection from criminal / extremist violence in Zabalj.
      3. Please find out whether there is a group in Zabalj called the League of Social Democrats in Vojvodina, and if it or the Democratic Party have a large presence there, and who the leader is.

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Refugees / IDPs

US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Protection of Refugees - 2010 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Freedom of Movement - April 2005 (PDF)

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Europe’s Borderlands – Violations against refugees and migrants in Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary – July 2015 (PDF)

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US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Freedom of Religion - 2010 (PDF)
  • State Department International Religious Freedom Report -2015 (PDF), 2014 (PDF), 2013 (PDF), 2012 (PDF), 2010 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SCG100764.E - Treatment of persons in mixed Catholic and Muslim marriages in Kosovo; availability of state protection - Dec. 2005 (PDF)
    • SCG43443.E - Update to YUG34406.E of 19 May 2000 on the treatment of Bosniaks (Muslims) living in Serbia by the state and society in general - April 2005 (PDF)

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Sexual Orientation

US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Sexual Orientation - 2010 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons - March 2010 (PDF)

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch Annual Report - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity - 2018 (PDF)

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Specific Country Issues - Armed Conflict

Foreign Government Reports
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • SRB37720 - Nov. 2010 (PDF)
      1. Is there any evidence of attacks by Serbs against Serbs who worked in Kosovo prior to the Kosovo war or were accused of being (Kosovar) Albanian collaborators?
      2. Please provide information on state protection of victims of criminal or political attacks, including if possible, information on victims who are accused of being Albanian collaborators.
    • SRB36154 - March 2010 (PDF)
      1. Please provide a brief history of the SDG (1990-1996)
      2. Who was involved and what has happened to those involved? (1996-2003)
      3. Are members of the SDG targeted by anyone at the moment?
      4. Would former paramilitary members receive assistance from the Serbian authorities if they were threatened?
      5. Does the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia have any current interest in Serbian Volunteer Guard members or activities?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SRB103003.E - Serbia: Whether an amnesty exists for people who deserted the military during wartime in Serbia; if so, whether it applies to all deserters. - Dec. 2008 (PDF)
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Armed Conflict Report - Jan. 2007
  • Human Rights Watch Profile
    • Justice at Risk: War Crimes Trials in Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, and Serbia and Montenegro - Oct. 2004 (PDF)
    • Clouds of War: Chemical Weapons in the Former Yugoslavia - 1997
    • War Crimes Trials in the Former Yugoslavia - June 1995 (PDF)

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Specific Country Issues - Organized Crime

Foreign Goverment Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SRB102415.E - Serbia: Extent of organized crime activities, including corruption in the police force or other government agencies; government response to these activities and state protection available to witnesses who testify against corrupt government employees (2005) - July 2007 (PDF)
    • SCG100611.E - Whether there are penalties, including imprisonment, for the refusal of witnesses to testify against members of organized crime in Serbia - Oct. 2005 (PDF)
    • SCG43312.E - Serbia and Montenegro: Whether there are penalties, including imprisonment, for the refusal of witnesses to testify against members of organized crime in Serbia (January 2003 - October 2005) - March 2005 (PDF)

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Speech / Press / Internet

US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Freedom of Speech and Press - 2010 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Key Document - Freedom of Speech and Media - March 2010 (PDF)
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Freedom House
  • Freedom in the World - 2018 (PDF)
  • Freedom of the Press - 2015 (PDF), 2013 (PDF), 2012 (PDF), 2011 (PDF)

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Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Chronology of Major Events - April 2004 (PDF)

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US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Trafficking in Persons - 2010 (PDF)
  • Trafficking in Persons Report - Serbia - 2020 (PDF), 2019 (PDF), 2018 (PDF), 2017 (PDF), 2016 (PDF), 2015 (PDF), 2014 (PDF), 2013 (PDF), 2011 (PDF), 2010 (PDF), 2010 (PDF)
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report - Trafficking - March 2010 (PDF)

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US Government Reports

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US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment - 2011 (PDF),
Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • SCG43355.E - Serbia and Montenegro: Whether torture is used in prisons in cases where the suspect is arrested for murdering a police official or planning other attacks on government officials (2002-February 2005) - Feb. 2005 (PDF)
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International
    • Submission to the United Nations committee against torture – May 2015 (PDF)


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Updated August 24, 2023