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Expanding AMBER Alert Tools to Recover Missing Children

Attorney General Holder Announces New AMBER Alert Partnerships with Facebook and Bing

Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that the Department of Justice is partnering with Facebook and Bing in order to expand the reach of the AMBER Alert system—an early warning system designed to help find and return abducted children.  Facebook, already an AMBER Alert partner, will now begin sending alerts, along with detailed information and photographs, to its members in designated search areas.  And Bing will begin allowing users to access AMBER Alerts through its online tools.  Attorney General Holder also noted that finding an abducted child and returning him or her to safety depends on a fast response, and he urged companies, organizations and citizens to step forward and do their part by offering whatever assistance they can provide.  For more information on how to get involved, please go to or

Updated January 18, 2023

Project Safe Childhood