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Statement from Principal Deputy Director Bea Hanson on Fiscal Year 2015 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation Awards

Today, I was honored to join Acting Associate Attorney General Stuart F. Delery at the National Congress of American Indian’s Tribal Leader Briefing to announce the Department of Justice’s FY 2015 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) grants. This year, the Department, through its three grantmaking components, is making 206 grants totaling more than $97 million to enhance and sustain crime prevention and intervention efforts in tribal communities. In 2015, the Office on Violence Against Women made 52 awards in the amount of $30.8 million to enhances the ability of tribes to respond to domestic and sexual violence, enhance the safety of American Indian and Alaska Native women, develop education and prevention strategies, and improve law enforcement and court systems to support tribal sovereignty.

A list of all 2015 CTAS awards is available at /media/796701/download?inline.

For more information on CTAS and other Department of Justice resources and information for tribal communities, visit the Justice Department’s Tribal Justice and Safety web site

Updated April 27, 2017