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CRM 2000 - 2500

2185. Form Letter -- 1956(g)

M. Kendall Day
Chief, Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section
Criminal Division
United States Department of Justice
1400 New York Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20005

Dear Mr. Day:

This letter will serve as a notification pursuant to the requirements of Title 18, U.S.C., § 1956(g). The following [financial institution/officer, director, employee] was convicted of a money laundering offense as described below:

Financial Institution _____________________________________

Defendant _____________________________________

Defendant' s Position _____________________________________

Dates of Employment _____________________________________

Date of Conviction _____________________________________

Offense(s) of Conviction _____________________________________

Sentence _____________________________________

Prosecutor _____________________________________

Phone Number _____________________________________

Investigative Agency _____________________________________

Enclosed are a certified copy of the order of conviction and a file-stamped copy of the indictment.


United States Attorney

Assistant United States Attorney


[cited in JM 9-105.320] [updated October 2016]