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Foundational Elder Abuse Articles

Foundational elder abuse research articles for prosecutors

National survey indicates 1 in 10 older people are abused each year

Acierno, R., Hernandez, M., Amstadter, A., Resnick, H., Steve, K.,Muzzy, W. & Kilpatrick,D. ( 2010). Prevalence and correlates of emotional, physical, sexual, and financial abuse and potential neglect in the United States: The National Elder Mistreatment Study. American Journal of Public Health, 100(2), 292–297. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2009.163089

This book significantly broadens our understanding of elder abuse and recommends research strategies that can be used to increase it

Bonnie, R., & Wallace, R. (2003). Elder mistreatment: Abuse, neglect, and exploitation in an aging America. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Higher nursing home staff turnover associated with decreases in care quality

Castle, N. G., & Engberg, J. (2005). Staff turnover and quality of care in nursing homes. Medical care, 43(6), 616-626. doi:10.1097/01.mlr.0000163661.67170.b9

Multiple types of abuse associated with increased admission rates to skilled nursing facilities

Dong, X., & Simon, M. A. (2013). Association between reported elder abuse and rates of admission to skilled nursing facilities: Findings from a longitudinal population-based cohort study. Gerontology, 59(5), 464-472. doi:10.1159/000351338

Abuse associated with increased hospitalization rates for older persons

Dong, X., & Simon, M. A. (2013). Elder abuse as a risk factor for hospitalization in older persons. JAMA Internal Medicine, 173(10), 911-917. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.238

Elder neglect is underreported in emergency departments, but Neglect Assessment Teams, identify more cases of neglect than standard screening

Fulmer, T., Paveza, G., Vandeweerd, C., Guadagno, L., Fairchild, S., Norman, R., Abraham, I., & Bolton-Blatt, M. (2005). Neglect assessment in urban emergency departments and confirmation by an expert clinical team. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 60(8), 1002-1006. doi:10.1093/gerona/60.8.1002

Fewer registered nurse hours and nursing assistant hours associated with nursing home and quality of care deficiencies

Harrington, C., Zimmerman, D., Karon, S. L., Robinson, J., & Beutel, P. (2000). Nursing home staffing and its relationship to deficiencies. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 55(5), S278-S287. doi:10.1093/geronb/55.5.S278

Abuse and self-neglect associated with subsequent mortality among older adults

Lachs, M. S., Williams, C. S., O’Brien, S., Pillemer, K. A., & Charlson, M. E. (1998). The mortality of elder mistreatment. Journal of the American Medical Association, 280(5), 428-432. doi:10.1001/jama.280.5.428

Full thickness pressure ulcers can occur even in long-term care facilities using best practices

Liao, S., Baker, M., Lowe, J., Austin, R., Whitney, J. D., Wiglesworth, A., Zimmerman, D., Zoromski, P., & Mosqueda, L. (2010) A multi-site study to characterize pressure ulcers in long-term care under best practices. Final technical report for the U.S. Department of Justice.

Elder abuse incidence is 24 times greater than the number of cases referred to professionals

Lifespan of Greater Rochester, Weill Cornell Medical Center of Cornell University, & New York City Department for the Aging. (2011). Under the radar: New York State elder abuse prevalence study. Self-reported prevalence and documented case surveys, Final report. New York, NY: William B. Hoyt Memorial New York State Children and Family Trust Fund, and the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.

Introduction to multidisciplinary teams

Nerenberg, L. (2003). Multidisciplinary elder abuse prevention teams: A new generation. Washington, DC: National Center on Elder Abuse.

Perpetrator characteristics and victim vulnerabilities of alleged sexual abuse perpetrators in care facilities 

Ramsey-Klawsnik, H., Teaster, P. B., Mendiondo, M. S., Marcum, J. L., & Abner, E. L. (2008). Sexual predators who target elders: Findings from the first national study of sexual abuse in care facilities. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 20(4), 353–376. doi:10.1080/08946560802359375

Physical elder abuse often results in large (>5cm) bruises on the face, lateral right arm, or posterior torso, and asking the victim about the cause of the bruise can help to determine whether physical abuse has occurred

Wiglesworth A., Austin, R., Corona, M., Schneider, D., Liao, S., Gibbs, L. & Mosqueda, L. (2009). Bruising as a marker of physical elder abuse. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57(7), 1191–1196. doi:10.1111/j.1532-5415.2009.02330.x

Almost half of community-residing persons with dementia experience some form of elder abuse by their caregivers

Wiglesworth, A., Mosqueda, L., Mulnard, R., Liao, S., Gibbs, L., & Fitzgerald, W. (2010). Screening for abuse and neglect of people with dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58(3), 493-500. doi:10.1111/j.1532-5415.2010.02737.

Updated October 23, 2023