Republic of El Salvador
- State Department - Country Documents
- Library of Congress - Law Library of Congress (LLOC)
- Family Reunification Laws in Selected Jurisdictions - July 2014
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- Citizenship
- ZZZ103512.FE - Whether individuals born of Salvadoran parents in the Mesa Grande refugee camp in Honduras during the 1980s are Honduran citizens - July 2010
- Identity Documents
- SLV43441.E - The Personal Identification Card (carnet de identificacion personal); issuing procedure and type of information it contains; distinction from the personal identity card (cedula de identidad personal); whether the government issued this document in 2001 - 2001-2005
- Travel/Minor
- SLV103499.E - Documents required and procedures to follow when one parent travels abroad with a minor in the absence of, or without the consent of, the other parent - June 2010
- Citizenship
- Department of Labor - Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor - 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
- Law Library of Congress - El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico: Laws governing Travel of Unaccompanied Minors - Aug. 2014
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- SLV40352.E - Laws regarding rape of minors by police and rape in general, and their effectiveness; whether police officers are provided with gender sensitivity training SLV40352.E (2001 to January 2003) - January 2003
International Organizations
- BROKEN DREAMS:Central American children’s dangerous journey to the United States. Aug. 2016
Non-Government Organization Reports
Coalition to stop the use of Child Soldiers - Child Soldiers Global Report - 2008
Center for Gender and Refugee Studies
Childhood and Migration in Central and North America: Causes, Policies, Practices and Challenges. 2015
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
SLV105260.E - Police corruption and abuse; government measures to fight police corruption and abuse; police oversight mechanisms and their effectiveness; procedures for filing complaints against police officers -
Sept. 2015
- SLV104089.E - Crime and state efforts to combat crime; state protection programs for victims and witnesses; requirements to access programs; statistics on granted and refused applications for protection; duration and effectiveness of these programs - June 2012
- SLV104090.E - Police corruption and abuses; police oversight mechanisms and their effectiveness; procedures for filing complaints against police officers for corruption or inaction - June 2012
- SLV103498.FE - Police corruption and government measures to fight corruption - June 2010
Non-Government Organization Reports
- In Sight Crime
Corruption in El Salvador: Politicians, Police and Transportistas. 2015
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- SLV101209.FE - Results of the legislative and municipal elections of April 2006 - April 2006
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
SLV105267.E - El Salvador: Domestic violence, including legislation, state protection and support services - Sept. 17, 2015
SLV105266.E - El Salvador: Violence against women, including non-domestic sexual violence, legislation, state protection and support services - Sept. 15, 2015
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International
- The State As A Catalyst For Violence Against Women. March 2016
- Separated Families, Broken Ties: Women Imprisioned for Obstetric Emergencies and the Impact on their Families. Dec. 2015
- State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003
- State Department CSO Report - Northern Triangle Country Conditions: Ranking the Highest and Lowest Areas of Reported Homicides, Disappearances, and Extortion - May 2019
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) - El Salvador: Background and U.S. Relations - Nov. 2018
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) - Authoritarian Actions Threaten Democracy - May 2021
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) - Authoritarian Actions and U.S. Response - Dec. 2021
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Amnesty International - 2021/2022
- Human Rights Watch - 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
- International Displacement Monetering Centre
- Norwegian Refugee Council
- "I want my place": Housing, land and property rights for persons affected by displacement in El Salvador - Oct. 2022
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
SLV105261.E El Salvador: Procedures for reporting a crime and obtaining a copy of a police report; whether a copy of a police report can be obtained by a person who is outside the ountry or by a third person. Sept. 18, 2015
SLV105258.E - Crime and state efforts to combat crime; state protection for victims and witnesses, including requirements to access programs, statistics on granted and refused applications for protection, duration and effectiveness of these programs (2012-August 2015) Sept. 2015
SLV104091.E - The organizational structure of the National Civil Police (Policía Nacional Civil, PNC) - June 2012
SLV103834.FE - The procedure for obtaining a police report; whether this report can be obtained by a person who is outside the country or by a third person - December 2011
- SLV43482.E - The National Civilian Police (Policia Nacional Civil, PNC); recent attempts to fight police corruption; treatment of police officers suspected of being criminals or involved in criminal gangs; whether complaints against the police are treated seriously by government authorities (Updates and replaces SLV37937.E of 27 November 2001) - April 2005
- SLV43483.E - Crime situation and state protection efforts to combat criminality, including witness protection and international crime-fighting collaboration (2004-March 2005) - April 2005
- SLV42327.E - Treatment of homosexuals by the authorities and general public 2002-2004 - March 2004
Non-Government Reports
- In Sight Crime
- Corruption in El Salvador: Politicians, Police and Transportistas
- Chapter 1. The Infiltrators: Corruption in El Salvador's Police - March 3, 2014
- Chapter 2. 'Chepe Luna,' the Police and the Art of Escape - March 4, 2014
- Chapter 3. Operation Chameleon in El Salvador: Anatomy of a Failure - March 5, 2014
- Chapter 4. How an El Salvador Drug Trafficker Smuggled Cocaine Into the US - March 6, 2014
- Chapter 5. The Fixer and El Salvador's Missed Opportunity - March 7, 2014
- Corruption in El Salvador: Politicians, Police and Transportistas
Citizenship and Electoral Rights
- European Union Democracy Observatory on Citizenship - El Salvador
US Government Reports
- Library of Congress - Law Library of Congress (LLOC)
- Family Reunification Laws in Selected Jurisdictions - July 2014
Foreign Government Reports
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- SLV40352.E - Laws regarding rape of minors by police and rape in general, and their effectiveness; whether police officers are provided with gender sensitivity training (2001 to January 2003) - January 2003
- UK Home Office Country
- Country Policy and Information Note - El Salvador: Actors of Protection - February 2021
Non Government Organizations
- International Crisis Group
Eligibility Guidelines for Assessing the International Protection Needs of Asylum-Seekers from El Salvador. March 2016
- State Department International Religious Freedom Report - 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, July - Dec. 2010, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005
- United States Commission on International Religious Freedom - 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- SLV104903.E - Situation of sexual minorities, including treatment by society and authorities; support services and state protection, including implementation of anti-discrimination legislation (2012-June 2014) - July 2014
- Amnesty International
- No Safe Place: Salvadorans, Guatemalans and Hondurans seeking asylum in Mexico based on their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. 2017
- International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
- The Violation of the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Persons in El Salvador - October 2010
- Law Library of Congress: El Salvador -Chiefs and Members of MS-13 Gang Sentenced in Historic Trial - Dec. 201
- Gangs in Central America - August 2016
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
SLV105259.E - Anti-gang law enforcement efforts, including anti-gang legislation (2011-2015) - Sept. 2015
- SLV104900.E - The presence and activities of Mara Salvatrucha (MS or MS-13) and of Barrio 18 (Mara 18 or M- 18) in El Salvador, including recruitment; information on measures taken by authorities to fight maras, including legislation and protection offered to victims of the maras (2011-June 2014) - July 2014
- SLV103445.FE - The presence and activities of Mara Salvatrucha (MS or MS-13) and of Mara 18 (M18) in El Salvador, recruitment, measures taken by the government to fight the maras, and protection offered to victims of the maras (2008-2010) - June 2010
- SLV101083.FE - Crime in El Salvador; government actions to fight crime, including crime linked to gangs (maras); international co-operation to fight crime, including gang-related crime. - April 2006
- SLV101080.FE - The gang called the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13); its activities and recruitment of members; protection offered to witnesses and victims of violent acts perpetrated by gang members. - April 2006
- Canada Issue Paper
Non-Government Organization Reports
- Crisis Group International
- A Remedy for El Salvador’s Prison Fever - Oct. 2022
- Mafia of the Poor: Gang Violence and Extortion in Central America - April 2017
- InSight Crime
- Washington Office on Latin America
- One Year into the Gang Truce in El Salvador: Can the Funes Administration Turn the Fragile Truce into Sustainable Public Policy? - April 2013
- UK Home Office - Country Policy and Information Note
El Salvador: Fear of gangs - Jan 2021
- Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
- SLV104088.E - Kidnapping and abductions; steps required for kidnapping victims to denounce perpetrators and whether they must identify their kidnappers; information on the anti-kidnapping unit, including information on protection offered to police officers who receive threats - June 2012