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This is archived content from the U.S. Department of Justice website. The information here may be outdated and links may no longer function. Please contact if you have any questions about the archive site.

Glossary of Terms


Glossary of Terms

Appleton Group - A municipal economic development corporation in Appleton, MN.

Bureau of Prisons- Federal Prison System.

Central Detention Facility - The D.C. jail operated by the Department of Corrections.

Central Facility- One of seven prison facilities operated by the District of Columbia as part of the Lorton Complex.

Classification system- An assessment process to determine a prisoner's security and/or custody level.

Close custody- Higher security classification for prisoners.

Complex - Seven separate prison facilities located in Northern Virginia that house Department of Corrections prisoners.

Correctional Treatment Facility - A correctional facility located adjacent to the D.C. jail but operated by Corrections Corporation of America.

Gassing - The use of chemical agents.

High custody - A custody classification at the higher range.

High-medium - A custody classification at the higher range of medium.

High security unit - A housing unit for high security prisoners.

Lock-down - Securing a correctional facility or unit by restricting prisoner movement to their housing area.

Lorton Complex - see Complex.

Maximum Facility - One of seven prison facilities operated by the District of Columbia as part of the Lorton Complex.

Maximum Security - Highest range of security constraints for classifying prisoners or prison facilities.

Medium Facility - One of seven Lorton prison facilities

Medium Security - Middle range of security constraints for classifying prisoners or prison facilities.

National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act - Enacted by Congress in 1997 to undertake a major review of organization and management of the District of Columbia's public agencies.

Occoquan Facility - One of seven prison facilities operated by the District of Columbia as part of the Lorton Complex.

Office of the Corrections Trustee - Created by the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act to provide financial oversight to the District of Columbia's Department of Corrections, facilitate the closure of Lorton, and ensure Department of Corrections maintains a viable correctional system.

Post Orders - Refers to general policies and procedures used for specific security posts throughout a prison facility.

Pulitzer-Bogard and Associates - Consultant firm hired by District of Columbia Department of Corrections to provide on-site monitoring at Northeast Ohio Correctional Center.

Reclassification - An assessment process augmented by the prisoner's institutional adjustment and progress.

Review Team - Refers to the participants who conducted the in-depth inquiry into the Northeast Ohio Correctional Center on behalf of the Office of the Corrections Trustee.

Segregation unit - A secure housing unit for separating prisoners.

Sentenced felon - A prisoner's status after conviction and sentencing for a major criminal violation.

Separatees - Prisoners identified who require to be separated from other prisoner(s).

Single cell capacity - One prisoner housed per cell.

Special Officer of the Court - Established by the Federal Courts in the District of Columbia to oversee and monitor court order compliance for the Department of Corrections.

Supermax - The highest security facility.

Youth Center Facility - One of seven prison facilities operated by the District of Columbia as part of the Lorton Complex.

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Updated March 7, 2017