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Appendix 5



FISCAL YEAR 1997 and 1998

On May 15, 1997, the first District of Columbia inmate arrived at the Northeast Ohio Correctional Center. The following information has been taken from Incident Reports provided to the Corrections Trustee's Office by officials at the Northeast Ohio Correctional Center (CCA).

Date of Discovery       Contraband Discovered

May 1997
May 29             four steel rods Total: 4

June 1997
June 16             one steel rod
June 17             three steel rods
June 18             one steel rod
June 23             one steel rod
June 24             one steel rod Total: 7

July 1997
July 1             one steel knife
July 2             one metal object
July 10             one metal shank
July 14             one metal rod
July 16             eight metal rods
July 17             four metal objects one plaster knife
July 20             one metal shank
July 25             one metal object Total: 19

August 1997
August 15             one metal shank
August 27             four metal objects Total: 5

September 1997
September 5             one metal object
September 10             one metal object
September 11             one metal object
September 28             two metal objects Total: 5

October 1997

No documentation for this month.

November 1997
November 24             Handcuff key, four metal rods
November 26             One razor
November 27             One metal rod Total: 7

December 1997
December 6             one metal rod
December 10             one metal shank
December 11             two metal and one plastic shank
December 13             one metal shank
December 26             two metal rods Total: 8

January 1998
January 8             four metal rods
January 9             one metal rod
January 10             one handcuff key
January 28             two metal rods Total: 8

February 1998
February 4             two metal rods
February 10             one metal rod
February 22             one homemade shank Total: 4

March 1998
March 14 thru 29             thirty-nine assorted metal rods. one store manufactured knife Total: 40

April 1998
April 23             one metal shank; three metal rods. Total: 4

May 1998
May 12             one metal rod
May 23             two metal shanks
May 31             one store manufactured knife Total: 4

June 1998
June 10             one metal rod
June 11             one metal rod
June 20             one metal shank
June 26             three pieces of metal Total: 6

July 1998
July 2             one plastic shank
July 30             one steel rod Total: 2

August 1998
August 9             handle of butter knife
August 12             one saw blade
August 14             two metal pieces Total: 4

September 1998
September 4             five metal rods
September 17             one razor
September 24             one metal shank Total: 7

October 1998
October 7             razor blade Total: 1

Updated March 7, 2017