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FY 2010 Performance and Accountability Report

U. S. Department of Justice
Consolidated Balance Sheets
As of September 30, 2011 and 2010

Dollars in Thousands 2011 2010
ASSETS (Note 2)
Fund Balance with U.S. Treasury (Note 3) $ 23,354,452 $ 23,596,587
Investments, Net (Note 5) 6,919,799 4,061,733
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6) 380,431 302,310
Other Assets (Note 10) 115,103 122,664
Total Intragovernmental 30,769,785 28,083,294
Cash and Monetary Assets (Note 4) 250,253 245,283
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6) 125,898 87,260
Inventory and Related Property, Net (Note 7) 170,889 237,347
Forfeited Property, Net (Note 8) 172,746 189,122
General Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Note 9) 10,217,770 9,741,154
Advances and Prepayments 1,079,767 1,501,404
Other Assets (Note 10) 5,982 5,826
Total Assets $ 42,793,090 $ 40,090,690
LIABILITIES (Note 11)    
Accounts Payable $ 366,027 $ 273,619
Accrued Federal Employee's Compensation Act Liabilities 250,625 243,446
Custodial Liabilities (Note 21) 605,009 331,172
Other Liabilities (Note 15) 389,522 951,367
Total Intragovernmental 1,611,183 1,799,604
Accounts Payable 2,504,820 2,520,022
Accrued Grant Liabilities 614,419 530,823
Actuarial Federal Employee's Compensation Act Liabilities 1,359,360 1,314,105
Accrued Payroll and Benefits 644,502 594,981
Accrued Annual and Compensatory Leave Liabilities 831,783 826,881
Environmental and Disposal Liabilities (Note 12) 72,709 71,657
Deferred Revenue 533,427 502,119
Seized Cash and Monetary Instruments (Note 14) 4,063,738 1,470,383
Contingent Liabilities (Note 16) 68,652 101,760
Capital Lease Liabilities (Note 13) 25,141 33,649
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Liabilities 535,838 541,784
Other Liabilities (Note 15) 403,905 267,369
Total Liabilities $ 13,269,477 $ 10,575,137
Unexpended Appropriations - Earmarked Funds (Note 17) $ 21,727 $ 19,585
Unexpended Appropriations - All Other Funds 11,952,581 13,791,272
Cumulative Results of Operations - Earmarked Funds (Note 17) 9,066,816 7,636,045
Cumulative Results of Operations - All Other Funds 8,482,489 8,068,651
Total Net Position $ 29,523,613 $ 29,515,553
Total Liabilities and Net Position $ 42,793,090 $ 40,090,690


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Department of Justice ● FY 2011 Performance and Accountability Report

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Updated April 23, 2021