Budget Authority and FTE, FY 2004 to 2014
Department of Justice Total Discretionary Budget Authority and Authorized Positions, FY 2004 - FY 2014 |
Includes transfers to the Department of Homeland Security and from the Department of Treasury (2003 and 2004). Budget Authority includes only discretionary funding. Also excluded are rescissions associated with the Crime Victims Fund, and the Assets Forfeiture Fund. |
2014 Discretionary Budget Authority by Organization |
Scorekeeping credits totaling $11.3 billion are excluded in this pie chart. "Other DOJ" includes: General Administration, National Drug Intelligence Center, Justice Information Sharing Technology, Law Enforcement Wireless Communication, Administrative Review and Appeals, U.S. Parole Commission, Office of the Inspector General, Working Capital Fund, National Security Division, General Legal Activities, Antitrust (net), United States Attorneys, U.S. Trustees (net), Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, U.S. Marshals Service, Community Relations Service, Interagency Crime and Drug Enforcement, Assets Forfeiture Fund, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives. |