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5 Results
Press Release

दक्षिण डाकोटा एकीकत न्याययक प्रणालील सीमित अङ्ग्रेजी प्रवीणता भएका िायिसहरूका लागि पहचिा सधार िरकाल न्याय ववभािल पिरावलोकि बन्द िरको छ।

The Justice Department today announced it will close a civil rights review based on actions the South Dakota Unified Judicial System (UJS) has taken to improve access to court programs and activities for people with limited English proficiency (LEP).
Press Release

कानुन लागू गर्ने एकाइहरूको लागि न्यायिक विभाग (Justice Department), भाषाप्रति पहुँसम्बन्धी नयाँ अग्रसरताको घोषणा गर्दछ

The Justice Department announced the launch of the Law Enforcement Language Access Initiative, a nationwide effort to assist law enforcement agencies in meeting their obligations to provide meaningful language assistance to limited English proficient (LEP) individuals. The Initiative will build on the department’s longstanding work to ensure that law enforcement agencies are complying with their language access obligations.