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Ten Things to Teach Children

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1 Settle arguments with words, not fists or weapons. Don't stand around and form an audience when ASDFthers are arguing.
2 Learn safe routes for walking in the neighborhood, and know good places to seek help. Know how to contact your parents in the event of an emergency.
3 Learn to work out your problems without fighting. If you're feeling angry toward someone, talk it out, walk away, stick with friends, or speak with a trusted adult. Try to think of some new ways to settle your problems without violence.
4 If you find a gun-stop, don't touch the gun, get away, and tell a grown-up you trust.
5 Report any crimes or suspicious activities to the police, school authorities, and parents.
6 Never go anywhere with (or open the door to) someone you or your parents don't know and trust. If someone touches you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, say no, get away, and tell a trusted adult.
7 Don't use alcohol or other drugs, and stay away from people and places associated with them.
8 Stick with friends who are also against violence and drugs, and stay away from known trouble spots.
9 Get involved to make school safer and better, conduct a poster contest against violence, hold anti-drug rallies, counsel peers, settle disputes peacefully. If there is no program, help start one!
10 Help younger children learn to avoid being crime victims. Set a good example, and volunteer to help with community efforts to stop crime.

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Updated February 4, 2015