Blog Post
Philippines: ICITAP Advances Counter Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering Investigative Capacity with National Police
From September 4 to 8, ICITAP-Philippines conducted a five-day Basic Countering Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering Investigations Course, which was attended by 19 Philippine National Police (PNP) Officers from the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG), Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG), Intelligence Group (IG), and Regional Intelligence Division (RID). The training included fundamental instructions and a hands-on practical exercise aimed towards providing the participants with the basic understanding of financial investigations involving terrorism financing and money laundering. The Basic Countering Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering Investigations Course is designed to give every officer the tools necessary to exploit critical financial intelligence to forward the disruption and dismantlement of terrorist and criminal organizations. This event was delivered in coordination with and in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Counterterrorism (CT).
Updated January 20, 2025