December, 2010
OMB's December 8, 2009 Open Government Directive establishes deadlines for action by each federal agency. The Department of Justice has evaluated its progress towards those deadlines.
High-Value Data
Score: Meets
The Department of Justice registered 3 high-value data sets on on January 22, 2010.
Criminal Victimization Survey for 2008
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) annual victimization survey is based on the most wide-ranging survey of households and provides the nation's primary source of information on criminal victimizations. The report's statistics are valued by the media, Congress, victims' rights and other groups and academic researchers. Although the 2008 report had already been released, in October 2009, this was the first time the household-level data, appropriately processed to ensure confidentiality, was released to the public in an unrestricted access format via
Radiation Exposure Compensation Program (RECA)
RECA was passed by Congress in1990 to provide partial restitution for those with serious illnesses after exposure to radiation released during nuclear tests or after employment in the uranium industry. The program enables claimants to use existing records so their claims can be resolved in a reliable and objective manner with little administrative cost. The three data sets made available on Jan. 22, 2010, for the first time were considered to be of high value to researchers and others interested in the administration of this important program, government outreach efforts, patterns of claims filed, and compensation awarded. T he data is broken down by claims filed, pending,denied or approved, plus amount of compensation awarded, by state or country of residence , providing information that will help interested parties learn more about the program's operation.
Final Reports filed by Chapter 7 Trustees
The US Trustee Program (USTP) oversees the administration of federal bankruptcy cases, including oversight of the private trustees who administer Chapter 7 cases. Their final reports are of high value to those interested in the bankruptcy process including researchers studying how the bankruptcy process is working, especially given the rise in bankruptcy filings over the past several years. The data covers tens of thousands of observations included in these trustee reports, as well as data regarding use of the English-language assistance programs in the bankruptcy process and USTP civil enforcement data. This information will assist the public and researches understand the administration of the bankruptcy process and the USTP.
Data Integrity
Score: Meets
The Department of Justice has appointed Deputy Assistant Attorney General Michael Allen as the Senior Official for Federal spending data quality.
Open Government Webpage
Score: Meets
The Department of Justice open government webpage at will be operational Feb 6, 2010.
Public Consultation
Score: Meets
The Department will consult with the public thru meetings and using Ideascale, an on-line tool, between Feb. 6, 2010 and March 19, 2010 during the development of our Open Government Plan.