Open Data
The Department aims to fulfill its core mission through transparent, participatory, and collaborative use of data. In implementing the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 and Open Government Directive, DOJ is publishing high-value data sets that increase transparency and accountability to improve public knowledge of Department of Justice operations. DOJ has registered hundreds of data sets to, a clearinghouse for data from the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. New DOJ data sets continue to be registered as they become available for publication.
Every bureau, office, and division at the Department of Justice is identifying and inventorying potential data sets for release to the public. DOJ strives to serve the public by making more data available, while safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure.
Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018
This bill requires departments and agencies identified in the Chief Financial Officers Act to submit annually to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress a plan for identifying and addressing policy questions relevant to the programs, policies, and regulations of such departments and agencies. Additionally, each department or agency shall designate an Evaluation Officer to coordinate evidence-building activities, a Statistical Official with statistical expertise to advise on statistical policy, techniques, and procedures, and a Chief Data Officer responsible for lifecycle data management and other specified functions. The Department of Justice has designated the following executives to fill these roles:
Evaluation Officer
Performance Improvement Officer
Christopher C. Alvarez
Statistical Official
Acting Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Kevin M. Scott, Ph.D.
Chief Data Officer
Chief Information Officer
Melinda Rogers
Department of Justice Data Governance Board
The DOJ Data Governance Board is the principal internal Department forum for addressing DOJ data management standards, priorities, policies, and practices. The Board serves as the leader for coordinating and facilitating implementation of Department-wide processes and standards, and for addressing common issues affecting Component data programs and resources.
The Department's Chief Data Officer serves as chair of the Board. Membership of the Board, which meets bimonthly, includes the Department's Evaluation Officer, Statistical Official, and senior leaders from mission areas such as acquisition, budget, information technology, litigation, law enforcement, FOIA, records management, and privacy.
As noted in its charter, the Data Governance Board provides enterprise guidance for achieving objectives defined in the Department's Data Strategy. The Data Strategy outlines four strategic goals to optimize the value of the Department’s data assets. Each goal includes specific actions, desired outcomes, and responsibilities for implementation. The actions are targeted for implementation during fiscal years 2020 through 2024. The Geospatial Data Strategy supplement aligns responsibilities from the Geospatial Data Act of 2018 to the Data Strategy. The Data Governance Board is also responsible for the Department’s Artificial Intelligence Strategy which includes ties to Department data assets and availability.
Artificial Intelligence Strategy
Strategic Information Resources Management Plan
Additional data and information goals are captured in the Department’s Strategic Information Resources Management Plan, also known as the Information Technology Strategic Plan.
DOJ Information Technology Strategic Plan, FY 2022-2024
Annual Update to the Strategic Information Resources Management Plan, 2022
The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 requires agencies to maintain an Open Data Plan within the Strategic Information Resources Management Plan that describes the agency's efforts to make public data maintained by the government open to the public. The DOJ Open Data Plan is currently in the DOJ Open Government Plan. Per OMB Memorandum M-19-23–Phase 1 Implementation of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018, OMB Phase 2 guidance will provide agencies further guidance necessary to implement the Open Data Plan requirement. DOJ will update the Open Data Plan once guidance is received.
DOJ Open Government Plan, 2016
Department of Justice Open Data Inventory
The Department of Justice released a data inventory on November 30, 2013. The inventory lists Department data assets and other information of interest to the public. The inventory is updated and published on a regular basis.
Explore the current inventory, or download the Public Data List in .json format.
Artificial Intelligence at Department of Justice
Pursuant to Executive Order 13960, Promoting the Use of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in the Federal Government, the Department of Justice released an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use Case Inventory to the public on July 14, 2023. The inventory was submitted to the Federal Chief Information Officers Council on June 30, 2023, and is updated on an annual basis.
2023 DOJ AI Use Case Inventory
Most Popular DOJ Data Assets
Listed below are the most popular public DOJ data assets during FY 2022, as measured by number of web visits through the public internet:
- AG/BIA Precedent Decisions (Executive Office for Immigration Review)
Data related to the adjudication of immigration cases in front of the Office of the Chief Immigration Judge (OCIJ) and Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). This data includes digital recordings and electronic filings along with data required to administer the cases.
BIA Precedent Decisions Listing - Volume 27 (3887 - 3984)
BIA Precedent Decisions Listing - Volume 28 (3985 - )
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Enforcement Activities (Civil Rights Division)
This collection of documents includes Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Briefs, Complaints, Consent Decrees, Settlement Agreements, and Letters of Findings.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Enforcement Activities
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Settlements and Consent Agreements (Civil Rights Division)
This collection of documents includes Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) settlement agreements and consent decrees organized by Title I, Title II, Title III, and Section 504.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Settlements and Consent Agreements
- Annual Statistical Reports (Executive Office for United States Attorneys)
The annual statistical reports for the Offices of the United States Attorneys contains statistical tables displaying both national and district caseload data, covering the many priorities of the United States Attorneys in both criminal prosecution and civil litigation.
Annual Statistical Reports
- Antitrust Division Select Case Filings (Antitrust Division)
Index of select cases and documents filed by the U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division. Cases are listed alphabetically by the last name of individual defendants, by company name, or by the entity's first name.
Antitrust Division Select Case Filings
Antitrust Division Select Case Filings - Alphabetical
- Antitrust Division Sherman Act Violations Yielding a Corporate Fine of $10 Million or More (Antitrust Division)
This dataset contains five elements for Sherman Act violations yielding a corporate fine of $10 million or more - Defendant name (Federal Government Fiscal Year) - Product - Fine ($ in millions) - Geographic scope (domestic or international) - Country.
Antitrust Division Sherman Act Violations Yielding a Corporate Fine of $10 Million or More
- Attorney Discipline (Executive Office for Immigration Review)
Adjudication data and results related to the process of Attorney Discipline.
List of Currently Disciplined Practitioners
- Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics (Office of Justice Programs: Bureau of Justice Statistics)
The Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics (FCCPS) data tool is an interface that can be used to analyze federal case processing data. Users can generate various statistics in the areas of federal law enforcement, prosecution/courts, and incarceration.
Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics
- Pro Bono List (Executive Office for Immigration Review)
Data related to the creation and maintenance of Pro Bono attorney list for distribution to the public.
Pro Bono List
- Recognition and Accreditation (R&A) (Executive Office for Immigration Review)
Data related to Attorney's and Accredited representative's recognition and accreditation to represent cases within the EOIR adjudication process and Discipline or removal from Accreditation.
Recognition and Accreditation (R&A)
Recognized Organizations and Accredited Representatives Roster by State and City
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