United States V. Macromark, Inc.
Docket Number 20-CR-147-AWT
Court Assigned: This case is assigned to the Honorable Alvin W. Thompson, U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, United States Courthouse, 450 Main Street, Hartford, Connecticut, 06103. Victims should contact Sentencing is scheduled for December 18, 2020.
The information on this website will be updated as new developments arise in the case.
Criminal Charges:
On September 25, 2020, Macromark, Inc. pleaded guilty to knowingly providing lists of potential victims to fraudulent mass-mailing schemes. The fraudulent schemes tricked consumers into paying fees for falsely promised cash prizes and purportedly personalized “psychic” services. Thousands of consumers lost millions of dollars to the schemes.
Macromark provided list-brokerage services from 2005 until September 2016 to clients who were running mass-mailing fraud schemes. Macromark specifically helped fraudulent mass mailers both acquire lists of potential victims to defraud and sell their lists of victims to other mass mailers. Macromark executives and employees engaged in this conduct despite knowing that their clients were mailing hundreds of thousands of deceptive prize notifications that misled victims into believing that they would receive a cash prize or personalized services upon payment of a fee. Many of the victims were elderly and vulnerable. In pleading guilty, Macromark admitted that the lists it provided to fraudulent clients resulted in losses to victims of at least $9,500,000.
Potential victims should contact the Victim Witness Coordinators below before November 1, 2020. Victims in this case may have sent fees via credit card, check, cash, or money order in response to letters that victims received from the following fraudulent entities:
- Addleshaw Bird & Mitchell / ABM
- Angelique de Succes
- Baroness de Rothman
- Buchmuller
- Butler Rose & Jameson / BRJ
- Cantor Benjamin & Associates / CBA
- Capital Reporting Partners / CRP
- Christine
- Destiny Research Center / DRC
- Destiny Research Group / DRG
- Dr Gary Henderson
- Dr Grant
- Dr Kramer
- Dr Marcus
- Dr Walter Bankley / Dr Walter Barkley
- European Winners Club / EWC
- Exclusive Selection Committee / ESC
- Fatima Research Centre
- Federated Allocation Bureau / FAB
- Financial Transfer Institute / FTI
- Finkelstein and Partner
- Foundation for the Advancement of Prosperity / FAP
- Harrison Institute
- IEF Prof. Kensington / IER / IRE
- Immediate Disbursement Division / IDD
- Kingsley, Harper & Hatfield / KHH
- Madame Soleil
- Magister Davids / Maitre Davids
- Maitre Norbu / Norbu
- Maria Duval
- Maria Winter
- Marie De Fortune
- Media Opportunities Direct / MOD
- Michael M
- Michelle Devon
- Monetary Allocation Group / MAG
- National Asset Allocation / NAA
- Northrup Winslow & Partners / NWP
- Patrick Guerin
- Paul Ritter
- Professional Promotion
- Rappaport, Hiltner & Crenshaw / RHC
- Registered Asset Advisors / Research Advisory Associates / RAA
- Samuel Jones Brown / SJB
- Securities Disbursement Division / SDD
- Sophros
- Superior Data Agency / SDA
- Connor & Smith Transfer Agency / TACS / CSTA
- Universal Acquisition Partners / UAP
- Winner Club
Case Schedule
Deadline for Victim
Notification November 1, 2020
Sentencing Date: December 18, 2020, 3:00 pm
Case Documents
9/28/20 – Press Release
Under the “Justice for All Act of 2004,” codified at 18 U.S.C. §3771, a crime victim has specified rights. For more information regarding such rights, please see the Justice for All Act (2004) Case Notifications.
The United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Connecticut is committed to protecting the rights of crime victims. If you believe you are a victim of the offense charged, our Victim/Witness Unit can make sure that you are notified of important stages of the case to help you exercise your rights. If you believe you are a victim in connection with this case, please contact Ines Centiempo or Geanabelle Montoya, Victim Witness Coordinators, at the telephone number or email address listed below:
Ines Centiempo or Geanabelle Montoya
Victim Witness Coordinators
U.S. Attorney’s Office - Connecticut
(203) 821-3757 / (203)-985-9129
icenatiempo@usa.doj.gov / gmontoya@usa.doj.gov
- None