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US v. Ron Schichtman

This page lists current CPB case updates accessible to the public.

Note: Under the "Justice for All Act of 2004," crime victims have certain rights described here.


US v. Ron Schichtman


NHTSA/Odometer Fraud (CLOSED) - Fugitive Status

Most Recent Update 6/03 (See end of document)

United States v. Ron Schichtman, Crim. No. 00-294-A (E.D. Virginia)

8/1/01 Update:

The Consumer Protection Branch of the United States Department of Justice, working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, has conducted an investigation in the Maryland and Virginia areas involving the sale of used motor vehicles with altered odometers. Criminal charges were filed against Ron Schichtman and others as a result of the investigation in Federal District Court in Alexandria, Virginia. On November 16, 2000, the indictment charging the defendants was unsealed and made public. Unfortunately, Mr. Schichtman has not yet been apprehended and is believed to have fled the country. Anyone with information on Mr. Schichtman's whereabouts is asked to notify their local FBI office. Please reference the case name and number listed above when providing any information.

Our investigation revealed that, from approximately 1994 to 1996, Ron Schichtman purchased vehicles from the Harrisonburg Auto Auction and the Belair Auto Auction, rolled back the odometers on the vehicles, and then re-sold the vehicles within a few weeks or months after having purchased them.

The government is in the process of mailing letters to all identifiable victims of the offenses committed by Ron Schichtman, to notify them of the status of this prosecution and to begin to collect information which could be used in a possible restitution award in this case. Those letters include the government's notification letter, the auction invoice (the "high mileage"), and three additional enclosures ("Frequently Asked Questions," "Consumer Declaration" with a postage-paid return envelope, and "Odometer Fraud – Civil Remedies for Victims"). On-line versions of these documents may be accessed by clicking on the words above.

Please fill out the Consumer Declaration and return it to the Consumer Protection Branch in the self-addressed postage-paid envelope as soon as possible. Due to the large number of victims, please do not call the contact person listed unless it is absolutely necessary.

9/24/01 Update:

No change in status.

12/01 Update:

Mailing process still ongoing. Mail receipt of completed declarations may have been disrupted by problems associated with anthrax in the mails.

Any additional updates will be posted on this website.

3/02 Update:

No change in status.

6/02 Update:

No change in status.

10/02 Update:

No change in status.

12/02 Update:

No change in status.

6/03 Update:

No change in status.


Consumer Protection
Updated October 27, 2014