Tribal Resources Section
About the Section
The Tribal Resources Section litigates to protect almost 60 million acres of lands held in trust for Tribes and individual Indian lands, as well as the rights and resources associated with those lands. The Section also defends challenges to decisions made by the Secretary of the Interior on behalf of Tribes. This litigation often involves complex historical disputes, some of which date back to the early days of our nation.
On May 27, 1975, Attorney General Edward H. Levi created the Indian Resources Section, providing it with primary “responsibility for trial court litigation of suits in which the United States is asserting rights to water, title to property, hunting and fishing rights and other natural resource interests of Indians and Indian Tribes.” Prior to the creation of the Indian Resources Section, the General Litigation (now Natural Resources) Section, which litigated to protect all federal lands and resources, also protected Indian lands. The newly created litigating Section, according to then-Assistant Attorney General Wallace H. Johnson, would “enable the federal government to better focus on the protection of all natural resource interests [belonging to Indians] including land, water, hunting and fishing rights.”
Although the Tribal Resources Section is relatively small, its cases concern vast amounts of land and resources and important principles of Tribal sovereignty and identity, and encompass issues of regional and national importance.
General Information
- Defend and protect tribal homelands and associated rights.
- Protect almost 60 million acres of tribal trust lands.
- Protect tribal hunting, fishing, and gathering rights.
- Protect tribal water rights.
- Protect tribal land and jurisdiction to promote tribal self-determination and sovereignty.