Community Outreach
The United States Attorney’s Office is committed to maintaining an active dialogue with all of the diverse communities in Guam and the NMI. The United States Attorney and other members of the Office regularly speak at and attend community forums and events. The Office also hosts meetings of task forces on human trafficking, prescription drug abuse, and many other issues of concern to our community.
U.S. Attorney Shawn N. Anderson and members of his staff are available to participate in a wide variety of initiatives to include: Project Safe Childhood presentations to youth, parents and schools on the topic of internet safety, bullying, cyberbullying and outreaches on the dangers of prescription drug abuse. The U.S. Attorney’s Office is also committed to the education of our youth; staff members are available to participate in Mock Trial competition.
If you would like someone from the U.S. Attorney’s Office to speak to your group regarding internet safety, bullying, cyberbullying or drug safety, please reach out to Community Outreach Coordinator, Carmela Rapadas, at 671-479-4121.