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Press Release
United States Attorney ALICIA A.G. LIMTIACO, U.S. Attorney for the Districts of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands (NMI), was invited to speak at the “No More! Coming Together to End the Violence” 2013 Regional Summit held on October 25, 2013, and sponsored by the Guam Coalition Against Sexual Assault & Family Violence.
U.S. Attorney Limtiaco spoke on the topic of “Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking in Our Region” and presented “Strategies for Justice: A Pacific Regional Response to Combat Human Trafficking.” The “Pacific Regional Response to Combat Human Trafficking” initiative employs a multidisciplinary model, including participation, coordination, and collaboration among law enforcement; prosecution; victim service providers; social services; medical, mental and public health professionals; faith based organizations; educational institutions; Consulates; and other community stakeholders. The response calls for the establishment and provision of victim services, investigation and prosecution of human trafficking, training opportunities, community outreach/ public awareness and prevention programs, and creation of human trafficking task forces and coalitions in the Pacific region island communities. Providing fundamental training in human trafficking, including victimization, investigation and prosecution, prevention efforts, and other related topics, to law enforcement; prosecution; victim service providers; social services; medical, mental and public health professionals; faith based organizations; educational institutions; Consulates; and other community stakeholders, in our Pacific region island communities, is critical to effective prevention and enforcement efforts in the region.
U.S. Attorney Limtiaco also provided an overview of the Blue Lighting Campaign. The Blue Lightning Campaign was created in recognition of the fact that victims of human trafficking are trafficked through the use of airlines. It is a Department of Homeland Security initiative that provides U.S. commercial airlines and their employees training materials on the indicators of suspected human trafficking and more importantly, provides airlines with a voluntary mechanism to identify suspected human trafficking victims and notify federal authorities. U.S. Attorney Limtiaco further discussed domestic and international trafficking, human trafficking laws, and public awareness and enforcement efforts.
The two-day Summit was attended by approximately 154 participants, including participants from our neighboring islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
Attached is a photo taken at the 2013 Guam Coalition Against Sexual Assault & Family Violence Regional Summit.
U.S. Attorney Limtiaco addressing the participants at the Summit.