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Press Release
GREENSBORO - United States Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina Sandra J. Hairston announced today that a federal court entered a consent judgment ordering Sharon Raynes Halliday (Halliday) and her practice, RAPHA Healthcare Services, LLC (RAPHA), located in Durham, to pay $500,000 in civil penalties to resolve allegations that she violated the Controlled Substances Act and the False Claims Act by writing invalid prescriptions and by causing Medicare and North Carolina Medicaid to pay for those prescriptions.
The consent judgment resolves a complaint filed by the United States and the State of North Carolina on July 17, 2022, alleging that Halliday wrote prescriptions for controlled substances without authorization, and, through RAPHA, caused Medicare and Medicaid to pay for these unauthorized and invalid prescriptions. The complaint alleges that Halliday obtained a medical school faculty license, also known as a faculty limited license, under false pretenses from Duke University Medical School. A faculty limited license is intended to allow medical schools in North Carolina to benefit from expertise or specialized skills of physicians who are not otherwise eligible for full licensure in North Carolina. The faculty limited license only allows physicians holding such license to practice to the extent authorized by its sponsoring university. According to the complaint, Duke University never authorized Halliday to write prescriptions, nor was Halliday authorized to open RAPHA, which had multiple locations.
Halliday and her practice, RAPHA, agreed to pay the $500,000 civil penalty and be bound by the terms of the consent judgment.
“It is essential to the health and safety of all citizens that medical practitioners only write prescriptions for controlled substances when authorized and legitimate,” said U.S. Attorney Hairston. “The laws surrounding prescriptions exist to ensure the legitimacy and safety of every controlled substance prescription, and our office will continue to hold responsible those violating these laws.”
The resolutions obtained in this matter were the result of a coordinated effort among the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of North Carolina, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Medicaid Investigations Division of the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office. The United States was represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Rebecca Mayer.