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Meet and Greet the Safety Fleet

Children can climb into their favorite fire truck or police cruiser for pictures.
Children can climb into their favorite fire truck or police cruiser for pictures.

Families from across the Ohio Valley have the chance to see their favorite emergency response, military and construction vehicles up close each year, thanks to the United States Attorney’s Office, Cabela’s, first responders, and other businesses in our community.

“Meet and Greet the Safety Fleet” offers children and their families and chance to “touch a truck.” Participants can sit in their favorite vehicles, take pictures, and meet those who keep our communities safe.

The U.S. Attorney's Office wants to honor those who keep our communities safe places to live and work.

The U.S. Marshals offer kids the chance to try on and test out their equipment safely.
The U.S. Marshals offer kids the chance to try on and test out their equipment safely.
Safety Fleet Fun
Fire departments, police departments, and other first responders are on hand for this interactive event.


Updated November 29, 2017