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2009 Budget and Performance Summary

(Dollars in thousands)

  Pos. FTE Amount
2007 Enacted 71 71 123,559
2008 Appropriation 71 71 85,540
2008 Rescission 0 0 -5,000
2008 Enacted (with Rescission) 71 71 85,540
2009 Request 71 71 93,868
Change 2009 from 2008 Enacted (with Rescission) 0 0 13,328
Technical Adjustments      
Restoration of 2008 Rescission 0 0 5,000
Total Technical Adjustments 0 0 5,000
Adjustments to Base      
2009 pay raise (2.9%) 0 0 208
2008 pay raise annualization (3.5%) 0 0 82
Annualization of 2007 positions (dollars) 0 7 691
Retirement 0 0 6
Health Insurance 0 0 23
GSA Rent 0 0 156
DHS Security Charge 0 0 1
Base Program Cost Adjustment 0 0 7,195
Subtotal Increases 0 0 8,362
Change in Compensable Days 0 0 -34
Subtotal Decreases 0 0 -34
Total Adjustments to Base 0 0 8,328
Total Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments 0 0 13,328
2009 Current Services 71 71 93,868
2009 Request 71 71 93,868
Change 2009 from 2008 Enacted (with Rescission) 0 0 13,328



(Dollars in thousands)

  2008 Enacted 2009 Current Services 2009 Request Total Program Changes
Comparison by activity and program Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
1. Justice Information Sharing Technology 71 71 $ 80,540 71 71 $ 93,868 71 71 $ 93,868 0 0 $ 0
Total 71 71 80,540 71 71 93,868 71 71 93,868 0 0 0
Reimbursable FTE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 71 71 80,540 71 71 93,868 71 71 93,868 0 0 0
Funding for the Justice Information Sharing Technology account will provide for corporate investments in information technology. This centralized fund ensures that investments in information sharing technology are well-planned and aligned with the department's overall information technology (IT) strategy and enterprise architecture, and that all DOJ components are able to operate in a technologically unified environment, particularly with respect to preventing terrorist attacks on the United States. The current major initiative/projects are: Joint Automated Booking System; Justice Consolidated Office Network (JCON) Office Automation; Litigation Case Management System; JCON S/TS Program; and the Unified Financial Management System.
Updated March 15, 2018