Justice Management Division (JMD) Organization
The Justice Management Division (JMD), under the direction of the Assistant Attorney General for Administration, provides advice and assistance to senior management officials relating to basic Department policy for budget and financial management, personnel management and training, facilities, procurement, equal employment opportunity, information processing, records management, security, and all other matters pertaining to organization, management and administration.
These staffs make up the Justice Management Division.
Deputy Assistant Attorney General/ Chief Information Officer
The Deputy Assistant Attorney General/Chief Information Officer (DAAG/CIO) leads the Department’s information technology (IT) and cybersecurity programs, setting strategic direction, driving innovation, and orchestrating IT operations, cybersecurity, and resource management within the OCIO and between OCIO and DOJ component-agencies. In compliance with Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA), the CIO has oversight responsibility for all IT acquisitions across the Department and IT budget requests of the Department's component agencies. The CIO under the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) is also tasked with ensuring the security and resiliency of DOJ systems and information.
Cybersecurity Services Staff
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Cybersecurity Services Staff (CSS) supports and secures the DOJ and Components' missions by providing cybersecurity leadership across the Department. CSS provides solutions and services that protect and preserve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Department’s electronic information. Specifically, the team provides capabilities in identity management, insider threat detection and prevention, and intrusion prevention to facilitate the Department’s mission delivery and improve our overall risk posture.
Policy and Planning Staff
The Policy and Planning Staff (PPS) provides leadership and expertise across the Department in the areas of IT budget, finance, procurement, policy, strategic planning, workforce management, communications, portfolio management, and program oversight. By bringing these functions together under one organization, PPS improves the cohesiveness and end-to-end link between strategy, policy, budget, and implementation.
Service Delivery Staff
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Service Delivery Staff (SDS) provides a broad range of information technology services, support, and management to the Department. SDS has ownership of a variety of key activities including the DOJ Service desk, networking and systems operations, as well as application development and consultative services to assist DOJ Components in meeting their IT needs.
Deputy Assistant Attorney General Controller
The Office of the Controller manages the daily conduct of all appropriations, budget, financial and accounting operations, audit activities, and program evaluations through the activities of the Appropriations Liaison Office, Budget Staff, Finance Staff, Asset Forfeiture Management Staff, Debt Collection Management Staff and the Strategic Planning and Performance Staff.
Appropriations Liaison Office
The Appropriations Liaison Office (ALO) advises and represents the Department, its Leadership, and its Components during the course of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees’ formulation and development of their annual funding legislation, as well as their oversight efforts with regard to past-year and current-year funding. In doing so, some of ALO’s primary activities include:
- Serving as the primary point of contact for managing the flow and communication of Departmental information to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees.
- Understanding, explaining, and advocating the Department's resource needs to Congress.
- Understanding and articulating the Committees' priorities and concerns to senior Department officials during the course of navigating appropriations bill outcomes, drafting inquiry responses, and preparing for hearings and briefings.
- Keeping the Congressional Committees abreast of changing resource needs to ensure the Department is properly resourced.
- Coordinating the Department's responses to appropriations committee requests and other inquiries from individual Members and congressional staff.
- Ensuring Departmental policy and leadership offices are aware of relevant CJS Committee’ visits, requests, proposals, and interests.
Asset Forfeiture Management Staff
The Asset Forfeiture Management Staff (AFMS), Justice Management Division, is responsible for Department-level administrative management matters affecting the Asset Forfeiture Program, including financial management, audits, contracts, and systems.
Budget Staff
The Justice Management Division is a component of the Department of Justice (DOJ) that provides a wide variety of support and oversight functions for the Attorney General and the Department's components. The JMD Budget Staff serves as the central budget office for the DOJ. Our staff oversees all aspects of planning, preparing, defending, and executing the budget for the entire Department of Justice, which totals over $37 billion.
Debt Collection Management Staff
Debt Collection Management (DCM) oversees the Department of Justice’s debt collection process, from the receipt or initiation of a debt, through the collection and disbursement of payments. DCM provides the operational, litigation support, policy and client support services, training, and reporting needed to facilitate the collection of debts owed to the United States.
Finance Staff
JMD Finance Staff (FS) is a high performing organization that promotes best practices and empowers a highly diverse, collaborative, and skilled workforce by embracing flexibility, transparency, innovation and stewardship of taxpayers' dollars. FS formulates and establishes Department-wide policies, procedures, and integrated enterprise financial management systems to support planning, programming, budgeting, accounting, and other financial management activities. FS is a 100% reimbursable program funded through the Working Capital Fund (WCF) that supports the following service areas:
- Consolidation and Preparation of the Department-wide Financial Statements
- Oversight and Development of Department-wide Accounting, Financial Management and Travel Policy and Procedures
- Offices, Boards, and Divisions A-123 Compliance and Financial Statement Audit Support
- Liaison Between NFC and Department’s Servicing Personnel and Payroll Offices
- Migration of DOJ Components to JMD-FS operated systems (e.g. GovTA, UAMS)
- Functional, Operational, and Infrastructure Support for DOJ Financial Systems
- Oversight of Information Technology (IT) internal controls compliance for systems operated by the FS, and IT support for FS
- Preparation of the Offices, Boards, and Divisions, Asset Forfeiture Fund and DOJ Consolidated Financial Statements.
- Audited DOJ Financial Statements for FY 2023 totaled $70.1 billion in Total Budgetary Resources
Strategic Planning and Performance Staff
The Strategic Planning and Performance Staff manages the implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act, Enterprise Risk Management, and the Program Management Improvement Accountability Act. The Staff promotes, plans and conducts the Department’s performance management efforts to assist senior leadership in the assessment of objectives, performance and efficiency, and advises and assists leadership to ensure that the Department of Justice’s mission and goals are achieved.
Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Human Resources and Administration
The Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Human Resources and Administration (DAAG/HRA) is responsible for Departmental human resources, facilities, security and emergency planning, equal employment opportunity, library services and administrative support functions. The DAAG/HRA serves as the Department's Chief Human Capital Officer and in that capacity is responsible for ensuring that the Department has a strategic approach for attracting, maintaining, and developing the human capital needed to carry out the mission of the Department of Justice.
Consolidated Executive Office
The Consolidated Executive Office (CEO) provides quality administrative support in the areas of financial management, acquisition services, human resources liaison, voice and data communications, and facilities coordination to the executives, managers and employees of the Department's leadership offices, senior management offices, and selected Justice Management Division staffs. CEO provides support in a collaborative and productive manner allowing these offices to concentrate on their individual missions. Customer service and accountability for every requirement is our priority.
Equal Employment Opportunity Staff
The Equal Employment Opportunity Staff (EEOS) is responsible for developing policy, methods, and procedures for implementing a model EEO program throughout the Department. EEOS provides advice, technical assistance, and support to management officials and bureau EEO personnel. Additionally, EEOS maintains the integrity of EEO programs by monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of all DOJ Component EEO programs, and compliance with established Departmental EEO policy and procedures.
Human Resources
The Human Resources (HR) Staff supports the Department's mission of administering justice by developing and implementing policy and programs, providing guidance, and leading efforts to attract, develop, and retain high performing employees. This site serves as a comprehensive portal to the Department's human resources policies, procedures, and practices.
Library Staff
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Libraries offers legal and general reference and research services, research resources acquisitions services, cataloging services, and digitization services. DOJ Libraries provide access to extensive legal/non-legal print collections and online legal resources. Library services are provided primarily to the Offices, Boards and Divisions of the United States Department of Justice. The Main Library located in the Robert F. Kennedy Justice Building contains broad collections of congressional, legal and general research materials. In addition, branch Libraries support the DOJ’s litigating Divisions and maintain special collections of particular interest to the personnel of the Divisions.
Security and Emergency Planning Staff
The Security and Emergency Planning Staff (SEPS) directs the Department of Justice, according to Department of Justice Order 1701, in government-wide policies and initiatives pertaining to physical security, emergency preparedness, personnel security, litigation security, and information assurance. SEPS also provides security management to the Justice Command Center, a secure 24-hour facility operating in support of law enforcement and national security programs.
Deputy Assistant Attorney General Policy, Management and Procurement
The Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Policy, Management, and Procurement (DAAG PMP) provides leadership and oversight of DOJ’s policy and management initiatives, ensuring that high-priority programs, such as those contained in the President’s Management Agenda, are properly addressed. This responsibility includes managing the formal process to establish or reorganize DOJ organizations, serving as the Department’s liaison with the GAO and Inspector General, advocating the President’s competitive sourcing initiative, overseeing the Department’s ethics program, improving the utilization of small and disadvantaged businesses, articulating and implementing an effective Departmental Records Management and Directives Program, advancing facility and logistics management, enhancing administrative support services, as well as modernizing the Department’s electronic litigation strategy. The DAAG PMP also serves as the Department’s Senior Procurement Executive and Suspension and Debarment Official.
Departmental Ethics Office
The Departmental Ethics Office is responsible for administering the Department-wide ethics program and for implementing Department-wide policies on ethics issues. The office provides advice and training directly to employees in the Department's Senior Management Offices, the Justice Management Division, the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee, the Office of Dispute Resolution, and the Office of Tribal Justice, and supervises the ethics programs in the remaining Department components. Each component has a Deputy Designated Agency Ethics Official who is responsible for administering the ethics program within his or her component.
Facilities and Administrative Services Staff
The Facilities and Administrative Services Staff (FASS) provides dedicated facilities management, logistics management, and administrative support service for the Offices, Boards and Divisions (OBDs) of the Department of Justice. FASS is also responsible for policy oversight and programs management for the following Department-wide areas: Real Property Asset Management Program, Personal Property Program, Environmental Program, Energy Management Program, Occupational Health and Safety Program, and Workers Compensation Program.
Internal Review and Evaluation Office (IREO)
The Internal Review and Evaluation Office (IREO) provides senior management with guidance on the implementation of government-wide internal control standards and supports Department leadership on matters related to the audit and program review activities of the Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
Office of Acquisition Management
The Office of Acquisition Management (OAM) supports the Chief Acquisition Officer and Senior Procurement Executive in managing an efficient acquisition system that implements the requirements of pertinent statutes, regulations and other guidance; promoting effective business practices to achieve public policy objectives; and ensuring that acquisition personnel are properly trained and have a clear understanding of the mission and objectives of Department acquisition management programs.
Office of General Counsel (OGC)
The Office of General Counsel of the Justice Management Division (JMD) is primarily responsible for providing legal advice and guidance to the Assistant Attorney General for Administration, JMD staffs, the Office on Violence Against Women and Department leadership on a diverse range of legal and policy questions relating to the organization, management, and administration of the Department. Major practice areas include appropriations, budget and financial management, personnel matters, information resource and records management, Freedom of Information and privacy matters, security, contract and procurement, executive travel, delegations of authority, and real property and material management. The Office of General Counsel also represents JMD (and, on occasion, other DOJ components) in administrative litigation.
Office of Records Management Policy (ORMP)
The Office of Records Management Policy, FOIA, and e-Discovery (ORMP) responsibilities include policy development and oversight of the Departmental Records and Information Management Program (RIM), management of the Justice Management Division (JMD) RIM Program, Senior Leadership Office RIM Programs, the DOJ Administrative Directives Program, the JMD FOIA Program, and the JMD e-Discovery Program which works within a matrixed management collaboration with the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO).
Procurement Services Staff
The Procurement Services Staff (PSS) provides acquisition support primarily to the Department's litigating components (Antitrust Division, Civil Division, Civil Rights Division, Criminal Division, Environment and Natural Resources Division, Tax Division and U.S. Attorneys) as well as other DOJ components such as the U.S. Trustees and JMD Staffs. PSS, on occasion, provides support on a Department-wide basis. Annual expenditures under contracts and task/delivery orders for which PSS is responsible total approximately $1 billion.
Assistant Attorney General for Administration
Under the direction of the Assistant Attorney General for Administration (AAG/A), the Justice Management Division (JMD) is responsible for management and administrative support to the Department of Justice. The AAG/A is the Department’s Chief Financial Officer and its Designated Agency Ethics Official. Additional responsibilities include Department-wide financial reporting, the annual financial statement, budget formulation and execution, accounting operations, assets forfeiture fund support, and debt management support. The AAG/A oversees facilities management, procurement, human resources, and planning.