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2011 Budget and Performance Summary

(Dollars in Thousands)

  Pos. FTE Amount
2009 Enacted 542 544 $105,805
2010 Enacted 561 554 118,488
2011 Request 687 677 223,336
Change 2011 from 2010 Enacted 126 123 104,848
ATB Transfers to Office of Tribal Justice 4 4 1,086
Total Transfers 4 4 1,086
Adjustments to Base      
Pay and Benefits 0 9 4,599
Domestic Rent and Facilities 0 0 -1,909
Other Adjustments 0 0 30
Subtotal Increases 0 9 2,720
Total Adjustments to Base 0 9 2,720
Total Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments 4 13 3,806
2011 Current Services 565 567 122,294
Program Changes      
Terrorism Prosecution and Associated Costs 0 0 72,771
Access to Justice and Rule of Law 10 8 2,485
Tribal Justice 4 2 584
Professional Responsibility 5 3 488
Attorney General's Organized Crime Council 4 2 5,363
IOC-2 Component Resources [39] [12] 7,619
Privacy and Civil Liberties 2 1 229
Accountability and Program Management 4 2 506
Legislative Affairs 3 2 305
Acquisition Improvements 90 90 10,778
Subtotal Increases 122 110 101,128
Travel Management Efficiencies     -86
Subtotal Decreases 0 0 -86
Total Program Changes 122 110 101,042
2011 Request 687 677 223,336
Change 2011 from 2010 Enacted 126 123 104,848
*As of 2010, NDIC is a separate appropriation.



(Dollars in thousands)

  2010 Enacted 2011 Current Services Total Program Changes 2011 Request
Comparison by activity and program Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
1. Department Leadership 65 57 $18,693 65 66 $22,005 16 11 $15,696 81 77 $37,701
2. Intergov Relations/External Affairs 52 52 8,101 56 56 9,513 7 4 889 63 60 10,402
3. Executive Support/Professional Respsibility 56 56 12,715 56 56 12,989 5 3 488 61 59 13,477
4. Justice Management Division 388 389 78,979 388 389 77,787 94 92 11,198 482 481 88,985
5. Terrorism Prosecution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72,771 0 0 72,771
Total 561 554 118,488 565 567 122,294 122 110 101,042 687 677 223,336
Reimbursable FTE 0 97 0 0 97 0 0 4 0 0 101 0
Grand Total 561 651 118,488 565 664 122,294 122 114 101,042 687 778 223,336
Updated March 14, 2018