Lee J. Lofthus
Lee Lofthus was appointed as Assistant Attorney General for Administration on December 15, 2006. Prior to his appointment, he served as the Deputy Assistant Attorney General/Controller, Justice Management Division. Mr. Lofthus is the Department’s Chief Financial Officer, and also its Designated Agency Ethics Official. His responsibilities include Department-wide financial reporting, the annual financial statement, budget formulation and execution, accounting operations, assets forfeiture fund support, and debt management support. Mr. Lofthus also oversees facilities management, procurement, human resources, and planning. He is a key executive liaison with the appropriations subcommittees on appropriations matters, and has long served as the Department’s management representative on the President’s Management Council. Since 2008, he has served as the Department of Justice career Agency Transition Director during the Presidential elections.
Mr. Lofthus joined the Department of Justice in 1982, and has served in management positions overseeing financial operations, financial policy, reporting, and systems. He was the Department’s Controller and Deputy Chief Financial Officer from August 2003 to May 2006, and was Director, Finance Staff, Justice Management Division, from January 1999 to August 2003. Prior to becoming the Finance Staff director in January 1999, he was the Chief, Finance Branch, for the Federal Bureau of Prisons, serving in that capacity since 1995. Mr. Lofthus received his MBA in 1982 from The American University in Washington, D.C. Mr. Lofthus was the recipient of a Meritorious Presidential Rank Award in 2006, and he received a Distinguished Presidential Rank Award in 2009.