FOIA Update: FEMA Offers FOIA Training
Vol. III, No. 1
FEMA Offers FOIA Training
The FOIA training course for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) employees was a success, judging from the comments of those attending the first seminar. "Excellently prepared and presented," "interesting and informative," and "enlightening and extremely helpful," said some of those evaluating the course.
Linda Keener, FOIA/Privacy specialist in the Office of Public Affairs at FEMA, and Tom Ainora, an attorney in the Office of General Counsel, prepared the training materials and conducted the course, aimed at providing FE MA employees with a working knowledge of the FOIA
Several people also commented that all employees, especially managers and supervisors, should be required to take the course. One employee observed that the FOIA is relevant for all federal employees and that they need FOIA training to become aware of "what is expected of public servants." The course will be offered to supervisors in December.
Keener said the course has been expanded to provide more background on the Privacy Act and to allow a longer period for questions. Keener and Ainora plan to give one course every two months until all interested personnel have been trained.
FEMA is responsible for assisting federal, state and local governments in preparing for and responding to natural, man-made and nuclear disasters.
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