FOIA Update: FOIA Training Opportunities
Vol. VIII, No. 2
FOIA Training Opportunities
Office of Legal Education: "The Freedom of Information Act for Attorneys and Access Professionals," January 19-20, March 8-9, 10th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.; March 31-April 1, Peachtree Plaza Hotel, Atlanta, GA. Contact: Raymond Rivera, (FTS) or (202) 673-6372. No charge.
Philadelphia Regional Training Center: "Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Workshop," January 19-20, Federal Building, Philadelphia, PA; March 21-22, Federal Building, New York, NY. Contact: Andrew F. Jardin, (FTS) or (215) 597-4442. Cost: $185.
Atlanta Regional Training Center: "Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Workshop," March 10-11, Federal Building, Norfolk, VA. Contact: David Burt, (FTS) or (804) 827-3383. Cost: $190.
Center for Communications and Administrative Management, Administrative Management Train-ing Institute: "Successful Im- plementation of the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act," March 8-9, Thomas Circle Training Center, 1121 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: John W. Olsen, (FTS) or (202) 632-5413. Cost: $250.
Center for Communications and Administrative Management, Administrative Management Train-ing Institute: "Freedom of In- formation Act and Privacy Act Workshop for Administrative and Secretarial Personnel," March 17-18, Thomas Circle Training Center, 1121 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: John W. Olsen, (FTS) or (202) 632-5413. Cost: $250.
"Implementation of the Free-dom of Information and Privacy Acts," February 18-19, 600 Mary-land Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Debra J. Abrams, (FTS) or (202) 447-3247. Cost: $200.
"The Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act," a correspondence course available to begin at any time. Contact: Correspondence Study Program Division, (FTS) or (202) 447-7123. Cost: $140.
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