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Blog Post

FOIA Update: FOIA Training Opportunities

FOIA Update
Vol. V, No. 1

FOIA Training Opportunities


Legal Education Institute: The Freedom of Information Act for Attorneys and Access Professionals, April 12-13, July 16-17, 1875 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C.; June 13-14, Los Angeles, CA. Contact: Grace Mastalli or Sandra Manners, (FTS) 673-6372. No charge.

Legal Education Institute: Advanced Seminar on the Freedom of Information Act, May 3, 1875 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Grace Mastalli or Sandra Manners, (FTS) 673-6372. No charge.

Legal Education Institute: Seminar on the Privacy Act of 1974, May 4, Washington, D.C.; Aug. 3, San Francisco, CA. Contact: Grace Mastalli or Sandra Manners, (FTS) 673-6372. No charge.


Boston Region Training Center: Successful Implementation of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, July 10-11, McCormack Post Office and Courthouse, Boston, MA. Contact: Daniel J. Buckley, (FTS) 223-5786. Cost: $175.

New York Region Training Center: Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Workshop, March 27-28, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY. Contact: Daniel Parker, (FTS) 264-8431. Cost: $160.

Atlanta Region Training Center: Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Workshop, June 11-12, 75 Spring St., S.W., Atlanta, GA. Contact: Stephen Trehern, (FTS) 242-3488. Cost: $150.

Chicago Region Training Center: Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, May 15-16, Chicago, IL; June 26-27, Cincinnati, OH. Contact: Charles V. Stout, (FTS) 353-2927. Cost: $125.

Dallas Region Training Center: Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts, July 10-11, Dallas, TX. Contact: Yvonne Lindholm, (FTS) 729-8241. Cost: $170.

Denver Region Training Center: Freedom of Information and Personal Privacy, May 30-31, Denver, CO. Contact: Nina Schmidt, (FTS) 234-2304. Cost: $130.

Seattle Region Training Center: Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act, April 2-3, Portland, OR; May 3-4, Seattle, WA. Contact: Charles C. Cloos, (FTS) 399-7904. Cost: $140.

Center for Communications and Administrative Management, Administrative Management Training Institute: FOIA and PA Workshop for Administrative and Secretarial Personnel, May 24-25, Thomas Circle Training Center, 1121 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Cassandra Saunders, (FTS) 254-3211. Cost: $225. Successful Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act, June 14-15, Thomas Circle Training Center, 1121 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Cassandra Saunders, (FTS) 254-3211. Cost: $225.

Government Affairs Institute: Privacy Act Symposium, June 19, Washington, D.C. Contact: Patti Shosteck, (FTS) 632-5662. Cost: $140. Sixth Annual Symposium on the Freedom of Information Act and. the Privacy Act, August 14-15, Washington, D.C. Contact: Patti Shosteck, (FTS) 632-5662. Cost: $275.


Information Access Laws, May 16-18, 600 Maryland Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Theresa DeSilva, (FTS) 447-3247. Cost: $200. Implementation of the FOI and Privacy Acts, June 14-15, 600 Maryland Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. Contact: Theresa DeSilva, (FTS) 447-3247. Cost: $175.

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Updated December 19, 2024
