FOIA Update: FOIA Training Opportunities
Vol. III, No. 3
FOIA Training Opportunities
Legal Education Institute: Information Law for Attorneys and Paralegals, August 18-19, Nov. 16-17, Washington, D.C. Open to any attorney or paralegal in federal employment. Telephone (FTS) 673-6372 for additional information. No charge.
Implementation of FOIA and Privacy Act for FOI/PA Administrative Personnel, Sept. 9-10, Dec. 2-3, 600 Maryland Ave., S.W., Room 108, Washington, D.C. 20024. Telephone Debbie Mitchell at (FTS) 447-3247 for additional information. Price: $165.
Supervisory and Communications Training Center, Washington, D.C.: FOIA and PA Workshop for Administrative and Secretarial Personnel, July 19-20, Thomas Circle Training Center, 1121 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. Telephone Stanley Betterman at (FTS) 254-3211 for additional information. Price: $200.
Government Affairs Institute: Fourth Annual Symposium on the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act, August 12-13, Washington, D.C. Telephone (FTS) 632-5662 for additional information. Price: $250.
Northwest Regional Training Center: Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, August 16-17, Seattle, WA. Telephone John Malloy at (FTS) 339-7904 for additional information. Price: $125.
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