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Blog Post

FOIA Update: FOIA/PA Training Needs Survey

FOIA Update
Vol. III, No. 2

FOIA/PA Training Needs Survey

Job Title: __________________________________________

Agency: ______________________________________________

Degree of FOIA/PA involvement:

___Full-time &nbsp ___Part-time &nbsp ___Only Occasional

Have you had FOIA/PA training?

_____ Often &nbsp _____Occasionally &nbsp_____Never

If so, where? ____________________________________________

Course Title(s): _________________________________________

Which formats have you found to be most helpful?

_____All Day &nbsp _____Half Day

_____Workshops &nbsp _____On-the-job Training &nbsp _____Lectures

_____Seminars &nbsp_____Self-teaching Materials &nbsp _____(Specify)

What level of training is most needed?

_____Introductory &nbsp _____Advanced &nbsp_____Updating

In which areas would you like to receive training?

_____Administrative Procedures &nbsp _____FOIA/ PA Interface

_____Classification Review &nbsp _____Fees: Calculation, Waiver

_____Protection of Business Data &nbsp _____Law Enforcement Records

_____Agency Deliberative Records &nbsp _____Redaction of Records

_____Interagency Exchange of Records &nbsp _____Privacy Act

_____Protection of Personal Privacy &nbsp _____Recent Developments

Have you used FOIA Update in training?

_____Often &nbsp _____Occasionally &nbsp _____Never

If so, how has it been helpful? _________________________

How could it be improved? _______________________________

What other materials have been helpful? _________________________

What other materials would you like to see developed? ___________________________

Name (optional) and additional comments: _____________________________________

The Department of Justice is attempting to ascertain the training needs of federal agency employees who work with the Freedom of Information Act and/or the Privacy Act of 1974. Please feel free to copy the above form and circulate it within your agency to other access professionals. Forms should be returned to the Office of Information and Privacy, Room 6345, Main Justice Building, Washington, D.C. 20530, before April 30. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Go to: FOIA Update Home Page

Updated December 19, 2024
