FOIA Update: OILP Issues '81 Case List
Vol. II, No. 4
OILP Issues '81 Case List
The new Freedom of Information Case List (September 1981 edition) published by the Office of Information Law and Policy (OILP) will be available shortly through the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Approximately 300 cases--new since the September 1980 edition--are being added. The new Case List will have approximately 1,350 listings.
The publication may be ordered by telephoning the GPO Publication Order Desk at 202-783-3238. The price is expected to be $5.
Lisa Cheatham, a third year student at Tulane University School of Law, and a law clerk in the department's Summer Honors Program, was primarily responsible for the cite checking and indexing. Cheri L. McCracken, attorney-adviser in OILP, is editor of the Case List.
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