FOIA Update: Retiring Director of OILP to Review "FOIA Decaade"
Vol. II, No. 2
Retiring Director of OILP to Review "FOIA Decade"
Robert I. Saloschin, director of the Office of Information Law and Policy (OILP), Department of Justice, and recognized authority on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), will speak at the March meeting of the American Society of Access Professionals (ASAP).
Saloschin, the first director of OILP, leaves federal service February 28 after 35 years. His topic before the ASAP will be "Reflections on FOIA: A Decade of Openness."
The meeting is scheduled for noon, March 5, at the Flagship Restaurant. Reservations may be made with ASAP President Russell Roberts of' the Health and Human Services Department at 472-7453. The price is $8 a person.
A Columbia Law School graduate, Saloschin came to the Justice Department in 1958. He served 20 years in the Office of Legal Counsel. After 1969, he concentrated on the then new field of access law. Saloschin has been head of the Justice Department's Freedom of Information Committee, the review group for FOIA disputes, since 1969. He became director of OILP when it was established in 1978.
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