15. Procedures In Securing A Check To Satisfy Deficiency Judgment
Upon the entry of judgments fixing compensation and ordering the deposits of deficiencies:
- In acquisitions for the Department of the Interior, General Services Administration and for the Department of the Navy, if the judgments are satisfactory and acceptance of the award has been approved by the local authorized representative of the agency, send one certified copy and one plain copy of the judgment to the designated local representative with a request for a check in satisfaction of the deficiency, and send one certified and one plain copy of the judgment to the Department of Justice.
- In acquisitions for the Departments of the Army and Air Force, if the judgment is not in excess of the highest testimony of the valuation witness for the government or in cases where there are stipulated judgments, send one certified copy and two plain copies of the judgment to the local District Engineer with a request for a check in satisfaction of the deficiency, and send one certified and one plain copy of the judgment to the Department of Justice.
- In acquisitions for all other agencies:
- Send one certified copy and three plain copies of the judgment to the Department; and
- Request that the check be obtained.
[cited in ENRD Resource Manual 17; ENRD Resource Manual 19]